And Siri is over a year old. Like I said; wait 6-8 months and something similar will be available for Android. Apple innovates - Android copies. One leads the way, the other follows the leader.
ICS hopes to catch up with IOS 4.3.5; but we will have IOS5 in just a couple weeks.
What does IOS bring to the table? Well, the last 1,000 photo's you took with your iPhone are synch'd to your cloud account (free). Any music you purchased is available in the cloud (free). For $20 you can buy iTunes Match which will scan your drive and 'legitimize' your entire iTunes library and make them available in non-DRM AAC (loss-less codec) Free, so you can simply download them from your cloud account, as well as all your applications - for up to 10 devices (free). Then, we have the whole update and upgrade your IOS over the Cloud things. And that's what's known now - before it's been formerly announced. We will know more on Tuesday.
That statement is exactly what M$ used when a new technology was announced, they were always going to have something better next month, but unless they could buy the company, it would never come about. Vaporware was the term used.
It always amuses me to watch people who really could care less, just swarm these threads that are for people who are interested in Apple products, only to complain or brag.
Who cares don't buy their product no one cares, what you do with your money. Me I buy Apple because I have gotten too old to mess with the rapid changes. The last three or fours have reduced me to eMail and web, the iPad is perfect for that.
A Mac mini attached to my big screen gives me internet TV and all that, plus I use it with a Bluetooth keyboard and pad. I don't use a mouse anymore because what I do now doesnt require precision.
Now leave me to suffer my own misery, I don't need yours a well.
Photos I take are already automatically loaded to my Google account for free, Google Music streams my music, all upgrades have been OTA.
Apple took the notification center straight from Android. They did improve it in some ways, but the idea was there for a good long while.