Posted on 09/17/2011 10:49:16 AM PDT by PieterCasparzen
Immediately following it's FDA approval, Merck went on a nationwide campaign to make the vaccine mandatory, actively urging legislatures in all 50 states to pass laws requiring all school aged girls to be treated with the drug. Following heaving criticism from the media and other organizations, Merck dropped the push for state mandates in February 2006, instead concentrating on major ad campaigns urging the general female population to obtain the vaccine in order to prevent cervical cancer. Texas was the only state to pass laws mandating the vaccine before Merck withdrew it's efforts.
Under the federal law passed in the late 1980s, victims of vaccines may file a claim under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, but cannot sue the pharmaceutical company. Last year, the government added HPV to a list of vaccines, including polio, hepatitis and measles, granted immunity from suit. A New York Post analysis of adverse event reports filed through April 30 of 2008 found that about 20 percent of such reports followed injections of Gardasil.
If victims prove a vaccine likely caused injuries, the program pays a maximum $250,000 for death. The average payment for injury has been $1 million.
Dr. John Iskander, the CDC's acting director for immunization safety, says that the CDC has investigated 10 of the reported deaths and has found no conclusive evidence linking the vaccine. He went on to state that "although it is sad that young, healthy young women die for no apparent reason" there was no conclusive evidence that Gardasil had created the adverse reactions experienced by the dead women, or those suffering from seizures, paralysis and brain damage. The only common side effect of the vaccine, according Dr. Iskander, is fainting.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I don’t know, but it ain’t Perry.
He is a nightmare waiting to happen.
You are clouding the issue with facts...that is looked down upon by some here!!!
And if he is nominated what do you intend to do!!!
I will vote against Obama and feel awful because we have once again blown it.
This is about India.
Mercks marketing push for mandatory vaccination also backfired (see here and here). But ongoing media reports and anecdotal stories about adverse events persist. And so the FDA offered what it calls a listening session with officials from Center of Biologics Evaluation and Research and the Office of Special Health Issues."
This doesn't seem to be about India. are pretty much in the sam,e boat we all are in...there is not now and won’t be a perfect candidate....we eventually will have to hold our noses and vote. The but whoever beats Zero will be a vast improvment...even GAG Roooomney.
Alexis Wolf...
Comments from Cynthia A. Janak...
A very informative article from (a must read, IMHO, to start to get a handle on the reality of Gardasil and HPV) ...
VAERS reports are not indivisual cases.
VAERS systems, in an attempt to make sure no case is missed, allows anyone to report. The result of that is when there is a concern of an extreme reaction, like death, the doctor reports it, individuals nurses report it, family members report it. Each individual report is logged individually.
You have to look at the data after duplicate reports have been combined to define which are unique cases. Raw VAERS reports are not indicative of individual events.
Also realize the initial reports have no evaluation of cause-effect. You can die in a from the flue after the way home from the vaccination for HPV and someone can file a VAERS report. The claim will never go away but remained linked to the initial report.
From their web site:
VAERS data contains coincidental events and those truly caused by vaccines.
VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning that reports about adverse events are not automatically collected, but require a report to be filed to VAERS. VAERS reports can be submitted voluntarily by anyone, including healthcare providers, patients, or family members. Reports vary in quality and completeness. They often lack details and sometimes can have information that contains errors.
A report to VAERS generally does not prove that the identified vaccine(s) caused the adverse event described. It only confirms that the reported event occurred sometime after vaccine was given. No proof that the event was caused by the vaccine is required in order for VAERS to accept the report. VAERS accepts all reports without judging whether the event was caused by the vaccine.
Also interesting that you didn’t include the rest of the paragraph where those reports of deaths were evaluated.
Thirty two of the total death reports have been confirmed and 36 remain unconfirmed due to no identifiable patient information in the report such as a name and contact information to confirm the report.
In the 32 reports confirmed, there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths that would suggest that they were caused by the vaccine and some reports indicated a cause of death unrelated to vaccination.
Perry used to be a Democrat. That is the truth.
Bachmanns record is available here among other places -
Some of Bachmanns most recently sponsored bills include...
H.R. 1286: Healthcare Fiscal Accountability Act of 2011
H.R. 1285: Military Health Care Affordability Act
H.R. 850: To facilitate a proposed project in the Lower St. Croix Wild and Scenic River, and for other purposes.
H.R. 849: Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act
H.R. 86: End Tax Uncertainty Act of 2011
Funny, I don’t see a bill there to increase the spending limit or give taxpayer funded benefits to illegals.
Harris Coulter, Ph.D.
Some more links....
Bachmann even has a masters degree.
Perry has a BS degree in animal science with the amazing GPA of 2.5
LOL read much?
The reason that didn’t seem to be about India is because after the links for India I gave links to other countries that had similar problems and I v=even mentioned that! lmao
A nice report on a candidate would make a nice new thread, with links and all.
You know ? Like “Canidate X Educational Background”
or Candidate X legislative history
or Candidate X Personal Financial and Business History
You know, to encourage folks to start researching facts.
I never care a wit about A) if they’re from my State or any State in particular or B) what they look like.
At all.
All I care about is that they will stick to Constitutional principles and that they are moral people and appear -from their history - that they will do the right thing while in office. From there, if they have leadership and management qualities, even better. But the most inspirational smooth-talker can be the biggest evil bad guy - even though their words sound so good.
You’re kidding, right? You don’t think those colonists wouldn’t have given their eyeteeth to have had just a few of the vaccines available today instead of losing children soon after birth from those diseases today’s vaccines prevent?
We’ve become very spoiled in our expectation that under ordinary circumstances all our children will grow into adulthood. Our parents/grandparents’ generation and beyond had no such expectation. How’d you like to have to bury your two year old who died of flu, as so many did a lot more recently than the AmRev?
Within the last century alone, it’d be interesting to note how many died, say in 1918, from the flu. Or how many lives were destroyed by polio. I remember standing in line at the local public school soon after Dr. Salk came out with his vaccine. No one, but no one, at least that I knew of, refused the Salk vaccine, even if there were some yet to be determined nasty side effects.
Only the headline!
The reason that didnt seem to be about India is because after the links for India I gave links to other countries that had similar problems and I v=even mentioned that! lmao
I'm not going to read that crap. I'd rather watch Texas beat UCLA! LMAO!
That explains a lot.
Yea, I have a life off FR! You should try it!
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