for your own mental safety do NOT click on the pictures....
...calling them disturbing is an understatement...
Just who broke up with whom? Headline and story are contractory.
For the sake of her children, I hope she is successful in achieving a much more normal life.
gross... I looked...
Umm, people actually paid $20 a month to watch this whale becoming the next medical denial by the death panel of England’s state-run health system?
She’s planning to slim down to 370 pounds, it says!
The photos of her are bad enough, but further down in the article there’s a screenshot of the Supersize Bombshell website. OMG. Truly repellent. These people are mentally ill. Getting fat is one thing, but bragging about it and thinking there’s something sexy and beautiful is another, and advertising yourself mostly naked, knowing that sick people are playing with themselves as they view your mountains of fat—this is a whole ‘nother level of craziness.
“What has been seen, cannot be un-seen”
Well, I hope she does lose the weight and become a good example to other over-sized women. I wish her success.
This idiot finally had a wake-up call??