Well, not quite ..... If you graduated high school in another state...Oklahoma or Arkansas and then moved to Texas you do not qualify for in-state tuition for a period of time...However if you come from Tiajuana or Juarez, viola’ in-state tuition rates !! Rewarding illegal behavior rarely has positive consequences.
Well, not quite...to get in-state tuition, an must have attended the last three years in a Texas high school. There is a residency requirement for every resident.
You seem to be overlooking or unaware that those students are not simply college students from somewhere else. Those are the residents (adhering to in-state time requirements) who are already in the process of going through their U.S. Citizenship process. I would think that if someone has a problem with the United States Citizenship process as it is, then they should talk to The United States Immigration Service to get all that changed there. Otherwise, Texas is only granting in-state tuition to residents in the citizenship process on the federal level and who will be U.S. Citizens whether you like it or not.