No, sir. When you give out worthless, inaccurate facts, that fly in the face of science and the easily found truth, your opinion is WORTHLESS! PERIOD. I posted the science and the engineering and you come on and post your worthless opinion that stated that it was "abrasive" when it clearly is NOT. PERIOD. You, sir, are the clod. I am speaking with authority, from the industry with expertise, you are not.
The data he shares on sodium bicarbonate and sodium hypochlorite use makes perfect oral hygiene sense -- including the low probability of scratching dental materials.
Sorry, trisham; facts win this round...
The oral spirochete - Alzheimer's link is news to me, but I intend to explore the subject with great interest. (My father and one of his sisters had Alzheimer's...)
Bottom line: I see virtually zero risk and potentially tremendous benefits from following Swordmaker's's oral hygiene recommendations...
Swordmaker, thank you! And, please update us as you become aware of new data!
>>No, sir. When you give out worthless, inaccurate facts, that fly in the face of science and the easily found truth, your opinion is WORTHLESS! PERIOD. I posted the science and the engineering and you come on and post your worthless opinion that stated that it was “abrasive” when it clearly is NOT. PERIOD. You, sir, are the clod. I am speaking with authority, from the industry with expertise, you are not. <<
You’re a smarmy ass, who while attempting to pass along good science, is showing the elitist tendencies of our President. Good job, Watson. You’ve spent half the thread insulting people. What exactly IS your job in this dental office? You’re not a dentist, what are you?