If he comes to believe that sex is nothing more than the shallow "relationship" he's had with this rapist, that will deprive him of the proper understanding of intimacy for the rest of his life.
You still havent said what is damaged or how one would know there is damage, so you write stuff about me...I understand completely. Thanks
Yes, I have in very great detail. The fact that you don't understand sexual intimacy -- and why throwing it away casually makes someone a diminished person -- makes me inclined to pity, rather than scorn, you. But whether you deserve compassion or ridicule, you have been fully answered, to wit: An adult can [foolishly] make a decision to treat sex like a ride at Disneyland, but a child should not be forced to.
I write "stuff" about you because you are apparently unable to think linearly, and because I answered you thoughtfully and you responded with nonsense that was either completely irrelevant, or blatantly ignorant of what I had in fact written.
Please do tell me: why do you believe it is illegal to have sex with children? Or are you of the opinion it should not be?
I think you like to write stuff about people for a completely different reason than you gave.
Because throughout history it has been perceived as immoral and there have been many laws enacted to protect children. Both the perception and the laws, change with time and societies.