I baked some bread about three days ago and a couple of slices cubed and chopped then soaked in tomato sauce will be a perfect ingredient to add to a mix of hamburger and Italian sausage - along with some sauteed chopped onion, garlic and garden fresh green bell peppers add chopped garden fresh red pimiento and fresh basil then top off with a homemade tomato sauce topping. Ooooo Ooooo! I could add some chopped jalapenos to one half, (Peggy does not like the heat). I am drooling here!
Oooops I forgot the cheese! I have a big ol’ wedge of Parmesan and some Cheddar to grate and add!
Awesome! I’d skip jap-a-lenos, and use Anaheims, as I’m not all that fond of heat either.
How was dinner? ;-)
Finally collected enough cukes to use (modified, naturally LOL) Kerr’s ‘sweet pickle’ recipe.
I chose it beause I can use what I need of the ‘pickle’ as I get enough cukes, and keep the rest for later. The solution only gets added to the jars, rather than preparing the cukes in it before jarring & preocessing.
It will be ‘hot’ sweet dill spears; we got a taste for them in the Carolinas a few years ago. As well as adding dill & dill seed to the solution, I added two dried Cayenne peppers from last year—2 plants gave us a lifetime supply. ;-’)