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Texas Inmate Mark "Arab Slayer" Stroman Executed
Chicago Tribune ^
| 7/20/2011
Posted on 07/20/2011 10:54:08 PM PDT by nickcarraway
Edited on 07/21/2011 7:04:01 AM PDT by Admin Moderator.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
KEYWORDS: 911; deathpenalty; hero; india; martyr; september11; stroman; texas
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To: nickcarraway
As they say, the exception proves the rule- he is the exception. After 9/11, if anything, Americans showed extraordinary kindness to Muslims living in the US.
posted on
07/21/2011 2:33:04 AM PDT
(War Powers Res:
To: nickcarraway
killing of a man from India in what Stroman believed to be revenge for the September 11, 2001, No one ever accused racists of being too smart.
posted on
07/21/2011 4:39:09 AM PDT
Opinionated Blowhard
("When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.")
To: The KG9 Kid
“A Punjabi we employed stopped wearing his turban and exchanged it for a baseball cap, even.”
It’s allowed that they can choose another type of headdress? Hmmm.
Comment #24 Removed by Moderator
To: PghBaldy
After 9/11, if anything, Americans showed extraordinary kindness to Muslims living in the US.How long after??? And were it me, I'd substitute the word "forebearance" in the place of "kindness" in your sentence. But that's just me.
posted on
07/21/2011 5:08:26 AM PDT
Logic n' Reason
(The stain must be REMOVED (ERADICATED)....NOW!!)
Comment #26 Removed by Moderator
To: nickcarraway
Maybe he will end up being one of someone else’s ‘seventy virgins’ — in hell.
posted on
07/21/2011 5:12:36 AM PDT
(Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm. -- James Madison)
To: Terry Mross
You insulted a lot of soldiers with that comment.
posted on
07/21/2011 5:28:45 AM PDT
(life is fragile, handle with prayer)
To: nickcarraway
"..killing of a man from India.."
What a mutant!
To: Terry Mross
I was a soldier and you piss me off by equating that murdering scumbag with being a patriotic soldier because of what he did.
posted on
07/21/2011 5:50:22 AM PDT
Scotsman will be Free
(11C - Indirect fire, infantry - High angle hell - We will bring you, FIRE)
To: boop
meanwhile the prisinors in gitmo are still getting 3 squares a day.
To: nickcarraway
Some years back I changed my belief about capital punishment from pro to con. Reason being: most States and the Fed are TOO humane with their go to sleepy time and not wake up drugs. I hope that my loved ones and I can go out that easily.
NOW, I prefer the monsters stay alive and endure a lifetime of misery, even if only the second to second longing for freedom. But then, my biggest hope is they find Bubba, their bestest friend...and live their life forever bent over a lower bunk...
No, I have no mercy for the monsters of the World. My compassion only goes so far. I reserve my sympathy and empathy for the good guys. Don't like it liberal bleeding-hearts? Shove it up your whiny we-are-the-world back side. What a big surprise you'll have when the monsters come knocking at your door. Bet you won't sing the same tune then...
posted on
07/21/2011 6:17:42 AM PDT
A Navy Vet
(An Oath Is Forever.)
To: nickcarraway
No offense meant to the Catholic FReepers Why? Capital Punishment is not against Catholic Doctrine when justly and seriously administered. Seems like it was in this case.
posted on
07/21/2011 6:33:40 AM PDT
(Greedo did not shoot first.)
To: Gondring
Because many are against execution...and many revere Pope John Paul II, who was firmly against it in almost all cases.Agreed, but it is not against Catholic Doctrine and JPII did not change that. He offered his guidance as the shepherd of the flock and to be merciful as God is merciful as to reserve captial punishment for extreme cases. I believe this is one of those cases.
posted on
07/21/2011 6:37:46 AM PDT
(Greedo did not shoot first.)
To: A Navy Vet
No, I have no mercy for the monsters of the World. My compassion only goes so far. I reserve my sympathy and empathy for the good guys. "Glory to God in the highest: and on earth peace to men of good will."
My emphasis.
posted on
07/21/2011 6:41:30 AM PDT
(Greedo did not shoot first.)
To: Gondring
Because many are against execution...and many revere Pope John Paul II, who was firmly against it in almost all cases.
We are all sinners and so even the worst of us must be given a chance to repent and turn their lives around, the Bible is repleat with many such conversions and there are many today to, so I believe that is what the Pope meant, however while he may wish the death penalty was not used it is still acceptable to church teaching, see the below:
2267 Assuming that the guilty party's identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.
So don't worry about it, here's one catholic who isn't losing any sleep over it, especially given that I am South Asian and so could have easily been one of this misguided morons victims if I had happened to live near him.
posted on
07/21/2011 6:54:41 AM PDT
(Conservatives are racist? YES, I hate stupid white liberals.)
To: AmericanInTokyo
Patel is an INDIAN name (from Gujarat primarily if I am not mistaken)--for crying out loud.
Some how I don't think he stopped to ask them their names first ;)
I'm surprised I didn't know of this case till now, I would have thought the media would have been plastering this guy all over the TV screens 24/7 to once again show 'racist conservative white guys' (while turning a blind eye to the one man wrecking crew in the whitehouse).
posted on
07/21/2011 7:02:38 AM PDT
(Conservatives are racist? YES, I hate stupid white liberals.)
To: A Navy Vet
NOW, I prefer the monsters stay alive and endure a lifetime of misery, even if only the second to second longing for freedom. But then, my biggest hope is they find Bubba, their bestest friend...and live their life forever bent over a lower bunk...Rape is not an acceptable punishment, lest you become the one of the monsters you revile.
posted on
07/21/2011 7:05:12 AM PDT
(If you pet a tiny goose, you will feel a little down.)
To: AmericanInTokyo
what in the hell do Indians have to do with 9-11?This has nothing to do with the topic, but it is a great picture.
posted on
07/21/2011 7:07:49 AM PDT
(If you pet a tiny goose, you will feel a little down.)
Comment #40 Removed by Moderator
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