Ok, I'm buying that. So ironic that he encourages the slaughter of black babies, of part of his race, but there is a stark difference, and we don't need a birth certificate for this one. It is a well known fact that he is a descendant, on his black side, of a native Kenyan. Not one drop of American slave blood in his wretched body.
So what this monster encourages is the extermination of a vast number of natural born (qualifying for the office of president at age 35, as opposed to this murderous barbarian) American citizens who are descendants of slaves.
Another irony about this monster's heritage. Far from being of slave descent,
his ancestors were actually slave traders. They would lure members of nearby tribes and kidnap them. Then, they would sell them to captains of slave ships. It was part of that heinous triangle back in the 1600s and 1700s.
This part of Caligula's background is known, well-documented, but glossed over for some reason (/s) by the MSM.