It gets really depressing to view the photos from all of you that get enough heat units to grow crops like your beautiful fruit trees Red! I have a 25 year old Barlett Pear and it is one sick puppy and the fruit is unfit to eat when it does manage to set some fruit. We have a couple of Plums that do fairly well and our lone Cherrie tree that is loaded this year but the wild Band Tail Pigeons will get most of them.
Re the 50:1 mix is a EPA mandate and not the engine mfgs wishes. Go with the 32:1
Your trees are gorgeous. Are the pears as good as they look?
There is a lot of information on the web about propagating figs. Fairly direct and easy instructions on, but I really haven't had time to digest it all yet. I would really like to plant some trees closer to my homesite, because most of my fig trees are in spots that aren't very convenient.
I've been adding fruit trees every year, and they are all on the other side of the backyard pond, near the big white equipment shed you'll often see in my photos. There is a long, sloping hill on the other side of that shed, and that is where my fruit is, as well as my bee hives. This year I added 2 peach and 2 cherry.