100% agreement. Suicide isn't a choice I can imagine making, but I'm not willing to impose that on another person.
Wow, did you think that up on your own?
This is EXACTLY what every leftist politician says about abortion.
How do the following statements work for you?:
"Murder isn't a choice I can imagine making, but I'm not willing to impose that on another person.""Rape isn't a choice I can imagine making, but I'm not willing to impose that on another person."
"Armed robbery isn't a choice I can imagine making, but I'm not willing to impose that on another person."
Sucide is morally wrong and a sin against God. But so are lot’s of things that are legal.
My objection concerns dragging someone else into the process.
An even more serious objection is, when does it stop becoming your choice and become an obligation you owe society?
the nose under the tent is not the whole camel, and the slippery slope only slides to the left.
What a noble attitude. You're to be commended, I'm sure.
Suppose the suicide was a family member who took an overdose, and you came upon him/her while he/she was still alive. Would you call 911? Or would that be lowering yourself too much?
Really? So when I gave my Airmen those suicide intervention briefings I was wrong? Perhaps instead of taking that one young lady to the over to "Life Skills" I should have given her a loaded pistol and some "alone time."