The FACT that Jerusalem is unde attack is not bogus.
The FACT that Glenn Beck has been standing practically alone on the airwaves in support of Israel is not bogus.
The FACT that Glenn Beck undertands the meaning of Jerusalem to Christians and the BIBLICAL meaning of Jerusalem to Jews worldwide is not bogus.
The FACT that Glenn Beck is willing to put his body where his mouth is is NOT bogus nor is it without personal danger to himself.
The fact that Israel’s very survival is on the line is not bogus.
But your snide comment IS and it is highly uncalled for.
He is not 'alone', he is a late comer to this party
The FACT that Glenn Beck undertands the meaning of Jerusalem to Christians and the BIBLICAL meaning of Jerusalem to Jews worldwide is not bogus.
Beck is mixing mormon (BTW not Christian) apocalysm with his popularism. Look behind his "biblical" meanings Mesta - you'll find Joseph Smith and mormon prophets re-writing definitions.
The FACT that Glenn Beck is willing to put his body where his mouth is is NOT bogus nor is it without personal danger to himself.
I didn't know he was going to Gaza. Thousands go to Jerusalem daily - didn't think the security in Jerusalem was that bad.
I am a Christian, saved by Christ 4.5 years ago, well aware of what could be considered off-kilter views by Mormons of Jesus and other things, but there has to be a time to say enough is enough. Glenn is obviously being called to do something extraordinary, beyond what many of you Beck Haters would even fathom in your paltry lives. God Bless Glenn Beck
The FACT that Glenn Beck has been standing practically alone on the airwaves in support of Israel is not bogus.
Just a big fat