She was a brilliant woman who, like all of us, had plenty of flaws. Atlas Shrugged is a terrific book and unfortunately it is proving to be very accurate today.
Thanks for the link.
Republicans have made me so angry sometimes, I even looked into changing. After reading the platform,....couldn't do it.
The beauty of the Tea Party is they don't want a 3rd party, they want to take over the GOP. A libertarian that votes for the Libertarian Party is always an insufferable brat that throws a fit til he gets his way. The GOP is usually not liberal enough and the Dems are just socialist. A libertarian that votes for the GOP understands he will never get everything he wants and just makes the best choice offered. The Silent Majority took over the GOP once before to oust the "Rockefeller" Republicans and made the GOP a winning party. If the Christians leave, they will leave the GOP to wallow in their own spit for another 60 years. Rand was a liberal in social policy and didn't understand the corrosive effects that her social beliefs had. Her economic beliefs are right on the mark. Ron Paul is a shadow of Rand and that is why he will probably never be president, but can you imagine him as a Treasury Secretary? He is Christian and pro life, but his foreign policy principles would get a nuke on DC or NYC for sure. I understand the principle he espouses, but that doesn't work with despots that want you dead as their own religion dictates. It has nothing to do with power or the economy when your "god" says the infidel must die.
Where will it be shown or where can we buy a DVD?
I give them to anyone I suspect has ability to comprehend such.
I find that females have a distaste for Ayn's style.
It is a strange thing, but it remains a thing.
Someone who knew Ayn recently told a story of how Ayn went shopping one day and showed this person what she had bought, saying something like “And it was marked down, so I got a better price.” Then she thought for a second and said something like “No, that was the price. It didn’t sell at the higher price, so that wasn’t the price.”
She was a militant atheist. I’ve got no use for her philosophy of godless selfishness.
Excellent article on Rand.
There is a laundry list of Dimocraps that could play Wesley Mouch: Timmy Geithner, Larry Summers, Goolsby, Bernanke, Paulson, Greenspan, and I don’t care if some of them are nominally pubbies.