For reading later
Re: “Ask any law enforcement officer in a large city or detective and they will tell you homeless young men on drugs in large cities usually end up as male prostitutes.”
Whatever we think of the man’s politics, that’s rather a disgusting thing to insinuate without evidence.
Im convinced he was “working” for the staff at Columbia. Probably some old Fart at Columbia was getting his carrot waxed in exchange for Soebarkahs diploma.
I must have missed when BHOzo admitted to being adopted and having his name changed...can someone please source that for me?
This is a pretty fantastic story here.
If plausible, then what forces stopped Hillary, the Queen of Mean, from exposing the WON, or better yet, from enlisting some one else to expose him. Like some foreign pal somewhere, exposing Barry in a story that would break in and from some other country?
I’m thinking it’s worse than just criminal. It’s come out now that he spent a full year in Pakistan, during the height of the Afghan war, and was acquainted there with powerful Pakistani politicians during the time that the ISI was directing the Afghan rebel forces. After that, the Saudis all of the sudden decide to sponsor his education and political career?
You don’t have to be paranoid to think something fishy went down there.
I keep saying DNA,DNA,DNA....
interesting ......
I guess this could explain the sneakers hanging in front of the White House.
This is my understanding of the social security number usage.
John Paul Ludwig (Lived In CT-Died In Hawaii)
According to CDR Kerchner, that the SSN 042-68-4425 Obama uses once belonged to a Sean Paul Ludwig who was born in 1890.
1976-1977 the SS# was issue to Sean Paul Ludwig.
Sean Paul Ludwig dies in Hawaii in June 1981.
Grandma has access to SS#’s of the deceased.
Obama visited Pakistan in 1981.
He returns to New York and starts using the stolen SS# in 1981.
In 1980 Obama did not register for the selective service.
Years later when he is running for President he needs to have those Selective Service forms filled out so he supplies the the stolen SS# he’s been using for years to put on the forged selective service documents.
A majority of people would STILL vote for him for re-election even if half the stuff in this article was proven to be true.
The author may be guilty of identity theft...impersonating a governor, even.
Obama may have a criminal past...Posted by Rick Perry on April 1, 2011 at 6:30am