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The Fig Tree's the Clue
self ^ | 03/26/11 | STD

Posted on 03/26/2011 12:25:10 PM PDT by STD

The Fig Tree's the Clue.

The untimely figs in this verse are “Olynthos”, figs that grow through the winter, yet do not completely mature until spring; they are fragile and many fall off in the spring wind. This scripture suggests that when Satan is cast down to earth the figs (raptured saints) will be taken away by a mighty wind (the Holy Spirit)

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TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Education; Religion
KEYWORDS: dates; possible; rapture
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To: Boogieman

God’s mercy is greater than human mercy...Got is our true father...when we fall we should run to Him.

Well put.

41 posted on 03/26/2011 3:17:50 PM PDT by handmade
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You just posted the day that you think the rapture will happen.

So, no need to be condescending to others.

42 posted on 03/26/2011 3:18:06 PM PDT by Winstons Julia (when liberals rant, it's called free speech; when conservatives vent, it's called hate speech.)
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To: CynicalBear

Oh, I do not scoff that it WILL happen. I scoff because someone just posted what he or she believes will be the exact DAY.

43 posted on 03/26/2011 3:19:20 PM PDT by Winstons Julia (when liberals rant, it's called free speech; when conservatives vent, it's called hate speech.)
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To: woofie

“Where is everybody?! Where did everybody go?!”

“Arby’s. Roast beef sale.”

44 posted on 03/26/2011 3:21:16 PM PDT by Rastus
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To: null and void

Yeah, but Duke Nukem Forever was finally going to be released.

45 posted on 03/26/2011 3:23:05 PM PDT by Rastus
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To: handmade

It now looks like the Rapture was set for Tuesday, Nisan 1, long ago. Until yesterday, I missed the great clue that was placed in plain sight. Suddenly, the further meaning of Hosea 6:3 came to me. My guess is that we are almost at the end of our waiting.

Since Jesus said, “But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you ALL THINGS” (Mark 13:23), the clues to help us figure out the date of the Rapture are in the Bible somewhere.


The Rapture is a “coming” of our Lord Jesus Christ, even if we meet him in the clouds. He is coming from Heaven to take his Bride to his home. It looks like the First-Trump Rapture will be on the Day of Christ and the Last-Trump Rapture will be on the Day of the Lord.

1Cor 1:6-8 says, “the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless IN THE DAY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.”

Php 1:10 says, “That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the DAY OF CHRIST”.

Php 2:16 says, “Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the DAY OF CHRIST, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.”


2Th 2:2-4 says, “That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ (older MSS found later say DAY OF THE LORD, i.e., Day of God’s Wrath) is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (Day of the Lord) shall not come, except there come a falling away (lit., DEPARTURE) first, and that man of sin be revealed (Mid-Trib), the son of perdition (the 2nd of 2, Judas Iscariot was the 1st); Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”


Hosea 6:3 says, “the LORD: HIS GOING FORTH IS PREPARED AS THE MORNING (Saturn will be a morning star in Virgo from midnight to 3:33 AM on Nisan 1, 5771, April 5, 2011); and HE SHALL COME UNTO US AS THE RAIN, as the latter (Nisan 1) and former rain (Tishri 1, Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Calendar) unto the earth.”


1. FIRST COMING OF JESUS was as the former rain, Tishri 1, 3757 (Sept 4, 5 BC), when the sign of Rev. 12 was in the sky.
2. FIRST RAPTURE will probably be as the latter rain, Nisan 1, 5771 (TUESDAY, April 5, 2011); Saturn (in Virgo) will be a morning star from midnight to about 3:33 AM.
3. SECOND RAPTURE will probably be as the former rain, Tishri 1, 5776 (Sept 14, 2015); the Day of God’s Wrath.
4. SECOND COMING OF JESUS as the latter rain, will probably be on Nisan 1, 5776 (April 9, 2016).


Traditionally, Tuesday Is considered the very best time for a Jewish wedding, because in the Torah, it Is the day of the double blessing.

“Extremely Auspicious: Tuesdays: In recounting the story of Creation, the third day, Tuesday, is the only day when the Torah says twice, “And G-d saw that it was good.” The Sages interpreted this to mean that this day is doubly good — “Good for Heaven, and good for the creations.”

This year (5771), Nisan 1 will be on Tuesday, April 5. The Crucifixion was on April 6.


Nisan 1, 5771 = TUESDAY, 5 April 2011 (FIRST RAPTURE)
Nisan 1, 5772 = SATURDAY, 24 March 2012
Nisan 1, 5773 = TUESDAY, 12 March 2013
Nisan 1, 5774 = TUESDAY, 1 April 2014
Nisan 1, 5775 = SATURDAY, 21 March 2015
Nisan 1, 5776 = SATURDAY, 9 April 2016 (SECOND ADVENT)


1st of Tishri, 5772 = THURSDAY, 29 September 2011
1st of Tishri, 5773 = MONDAY, 17 September 2012
1st of Tishri, 5774 = THURSDAY, 5 September 2013
1st of Tishri, 5775 = THURSDAY, 25 September 2014
1st of Tishri, 5776 = MONDAY, 14 September 2015 (LAST RAPTURE)

These will be invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Rev 12:1,2, 5 says, “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman (Virgo) clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (Corona Borealis): And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered....And she brought forth a man child (Jesus), who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne” (on Ascension Day). I think Jesus’ throne is on Saturn.

That sign makes me think the Rapture may be marked by something in the sky too.


Psa 2:9 says, “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”

Rev 2:27 says, “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”

Rev 19:15 says, “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.”


At the first Rapture, I expect the Lord to come as the rain on Nisan 1 when Saturn is a morning star in Libra. The wise virgins are weighed in the balances and found deserving. The foolish virgins are not found deserving. They do not have enough of the oil of the Holy Spirit to make the cut. However, they will have washed their spotted robes in the blood of Christ by the time of the last Rapture. Rev 7:14 says, “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” The second Rapture is at the end of the Great Tribulation, when the Day of God’s Wrath has arrived (Rev. 6:17; 7:14).

Jude 1:23 says, “And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” No wonder God will wipe away their tears when they get to Heaven. We would say that they got out by the skin of their teeth. That should bring tears. These should remember Lot’s wife and not look back at the destruction brought on by the impacts of the two asteroids of Rev 8:8-11.

Psa 149:1-9 says, “Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand; To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.”

Rev 22:16 says of the time of the first Rapture, “I Jesus have sent mine angel (called the angel of the Lord in the Old Testament) to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root (YHWH) and the offspring of David (JESUS), and THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR” (his throne is on Saturn).

At the second Rapture, I expect the Lord to come as the rain on Tishri 1, when Saturn is still in Libra, but not a morning star.

I think Eze. 1:26 describes the sapphire throne of Jesus on Saturn. It says, “And above the firmament (expanse of space) that was over their heads (i.e., farther out in space than the 4 terrestrial planets [of which Earth is one, v. 15]) was the likeness (symbolic language) of a THRONE, as the appearance of a SAPPHIRE stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a MAN (Jesus, the only God/man, compare v. 1 and 26) above upon it.”

I think the sapphire throne of Jesus is on Saturn, the planet with a halo of rings, called “brightness round about” in Eze 1:28.

The sapphire, now September’s birthstone (because the First Advent was in September), was at one time April’s birthstone (because the First Rapture and the Second Advent are probably in April). Sapphire, meaning heaven in jeweler’s official lists, also means dear to the planet Saturn from the Sanskrit Sani, Saturn, and priya, dear. The Persian “safir” (sapphire) is revealing, because it means beloved of Saturn.

At Mt. Sinai (probably from Sani, Saturn), the pavement under God’s feet was sapphire. Ex 24:10 says, “And they saw the God of Israel (the preincarnate Christ, Isa. 44:6): and there was under his feet as it were (i.e., as if it were, symbolic language) a paved work of a SAPPHIRE stone, and as (if) it were the body of HEAVEN in his (or its) clearness.”

I expect Jesus to come at the Second Advent as the LATTER RAIN on Nisan 1, 5776 (Saturday, April 9, 2016). That would be perfect. He said he was Lord of the Sabbath, and that will be not only the Sabbath, but the first day of the Sacred, Regnal and Jubilee Years. That Jubilee should be announced on the previous Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015.

Psa 72:6-8 says, “HE SHALL COME DOWN LIKE RAIN upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth. In his days (Day of Christ [first Rapture, probably on Nisan 1, 5771] and Day of the Lord [second Rapture just before God’s Wrath falls on the Feast of Trumpets, Tishri 1, 5776, Sept. 14, 2015]) shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion (on the Day of the Lord) also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.”

De 11:14 says, “I will give you the rain of your land in HIS DUE SEASON, the first rain (Tishri 1) and the latter rain” (Nisan 1). The Day of the Lord will be the first day of Christ’s millennial Kingdom. Like Solomon, he will purge his kingdom at the beginning.


Jesus came as the former rain at the First Advent on Tishri 1. That actually happened. Jesus was born on Tishri 1 in 5 BC. Therefore, to me, it seems like a sure thing that he will come as the latter rain at the Second Advent on Nisan 1.

Joel 2:23 says, “Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the FORMER RAIN (Jesus’ First Advent on Tishri 1) moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the FORMER RAIN (Tishri 1), AND THE LATTER RAIN (Nisan 1) IN THE FIRST MONTH.”

In the Bible, when the month is given and not the day, it means the first day of the month. This is because the same word used for month means new Moon, which is the first of the month.

The former rain starts Tishri 1, and the latter rain starts Nisan 1, which, in 5776, will be the first day of the Sacred, Regnal and Jubilee Years.

James 5:7,8 says, “Be patient therefore, brethren, unto THE COMING OF THE LORD. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive THE EARLY AND LATTER RAIN. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for THE COMING OF THE LORD DRAWETH NIGH.”

Jer 5:24 says, “Neither say they in their heart, Let us now fear the LORD OUR GOD, THAT GIVETH RAIN, BOTH THE FORMER AND THE LATTER, IN HIS SEASON”.

46 posted on 03/26/2011 3:24:35 PM PDT by STD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Imam Barrack Hussein Obama Launches a War in Libya)
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To: fanfan

It’s FR. He’s probably worried he’ll be in the shower when it happens.

47 posted on 03/26/2011 3:25:52 PM PDT by Rastus
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To: handmade

“Well put.”

Thanks, but I did paraphrase some other people’s thoughts that I had read when I was dealing with similar issues, so I can’t take full credit.

48 posted on 03/26/2011 3:31:21 PM PDT by Boogieman (")
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To: Winstons Julia

‘your heart’ is condescending? I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m sincerely sorry if I offended you, it was not my intent.I know, I need to work on my heart!

49 posted on 03/26/2011 3:32:13 PM PDT by STD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Imam Barrack Hussein Obama Launches a War in Libya)
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To: woofie

I’m not certain. It’s just how things look to me!

50 posted on 03/26/2011 3:33:50 PM PDT by STD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Imam Barrack Hussein Obama Launches a War in Libya)
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To: woofie

I’m not certain. It’s just how things look to me!

51 posted on 03/26/2011 3:33:55 PM PDT by STD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Imam Barrack Hussein Obama Launches a War in Libya)
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To: STD; All

You posted quite a few things to me. I was referring to


But I have a feeling that you knew what I was referring to.

I seriously hope you have a lovely day. I hope your life is great. I share your faith in God.

I just think that picking an EXACT DATE for the rapture based on the figs was ... well, kind of a stretch. Frankly, based on some other religious discussions I’ve seen here, you got off pretty lightly there.

52 posted on 03/26/2011 4:26:17 PM PDT by Winstons Julia (when liberals rant, it's called free speech; when conservatives vent, it's called hate speech.)
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To: CynicalBear

“The Day of the Lord” refers to the thousand years of Gods reign on Earth. The day when Christ returns with a shout, a trump and an earthquake splitting the Mount of Olives asunder. “The Day of the Lord” will be when Christ returns to Earth openly. No secret Rapture there.

53 posted on 03/26/2011 6:01:11 PM PDT by runninglips (the world is on fire, and we are draining the reservoirs before it gets out of control)
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To: TheZMan
Can’t read Hebrew, Aramaic, nor Greek, and so relying on an inline translation of those is better than the KJV? I feel so enlightened now, thank you. Insult me more.

Glad to oblige!

Seriously -- how much effort does it take to learn a second language? Anyone who has ever made that effort knows better than to assert that the KJV is God's last word to man!

If Greek is too hard, give Esperanto a try -- anyone of average intelligence who applies himself can learn to read Esperanto is less than six months -- and every time you read the Bible again for the first time, you see new aspects of God's multi-faceted wisdom.

Still, there's a real thrill to reading Paul's words in the words that Paul actually used. Go for it! And blessings upon you as you love God's Word enough to learn to read it in the same words as He gave it in!

(Parenthetically -- my efforts to learn Hebrew lasted until Lesson 4, when I got impaled on the weird vowel points! But, maybe another day?)

54 posted on 03/26/2011 6:38:23 PM PDT by RJR_fan ("Be kind to every person you meet. For every person is fighting a great battle." St. Ephraim)
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To: runninglips

>>No secret Rapture there.<<

So Christ comes with an army to defeat the forces at Armageddon while at the same time we meet Him in the air as the bride? Riiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhttttt. You folks who think that all happens at the same “blink of an eye” have a surprise coming.

55 posted on 03/26/2011 6:50:05 PM PDT by CynicalBear
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To: CynicalBear

We meet him in the air...the word is rurach....spelling wrong....which means the SPIRIT....Breath....same word as the Holy Spirit, not literal air. Look it up in a Strongs Concordance.

56 posted on 03/26/2011 7:53:27 PM PDT by runninglips (the world is on fire, and we are draining the reservoirs before it gets out of control)
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To: NoGrayZone

If you judge yourself, then He will not judge you.

Forgiveness comes through faith in Christ. Since He has already paid the price for ALL personal sins, He is free to forgive at a moment’s notice, so keep short accounts, confessing through faith in Christ all known and unknown sins, letting Him handle the situation.

Regarding forgiving yourself. If you are forgiving yourself, independent of Him, then you just committed another sin, requiring turning back to Him and confession of that to Him.

God knew every sin that would ever be committed in eternity past and still elected those who are believers, and still redeemed us for every one of them. The forgiveness of importance is from Him to us, which He is free and veritable to perform when we are facing what He did on the Cross and confess our sins to Him.

If we feel guilty, that also is a sin, again requiring us to turn back to Him and confess our sins through faith, to Him.

57 posted on 03/26/2011 8:03:24 PM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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To: NoGrayZone

Here’s another way of perceiving the sin thing. Instead of associating or identifying sin with immorality, think of sin as simply ANYTHING which is done independent of faith through Christ,....Anything which we might do which is not in accordance with His Plan.

Immorality is indeed sinful, but not all sin is immoral. There are many sins performed which are worldly good works and worldly just behavior, performed separate from faith in Him. Those are all sinful. Those also require us to turn back to Him, confess our falling short of His Plan, and He returns us to fellowship with Him.

58 posted on 03/26/2011 8:07:19 PM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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Interesting read.

IMHO, I follow more along the lines of only the Father knows the day and hour, and no prophetic event is required bfore the rapture. Then again, I suspect that just as with the exact day of the Crucifixion was foreseen by studies in Scripture, I suspect there are some correlations to the Feast days to end time events.

59 posted on 03/26/2011 8:15:33 PM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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To: NoGrayZone

**And why does the Son sit at the right hand of the Father....if they are one?**

Stand, sit, in the bosom, which one is the Son doing, since the scriptures mention all three.......the answer is that the ‘right hand’ symbolizes the place of power and authority.

Ex. 15:6 “Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power; thy right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy”.
Ps. 17:7 “O thou that savest by thy right hand..”
are just two of several ‘right hand’ descriptions.

Here’s another:
Is. 48:13 “..and my right hand hath spanned the heavens..”.

There is also a great number of times when just the word ‘hand’ is mentioned in reference to authority, such as the tabernacle and it’s items being made by the ‘hand of Moses’.

**Some believe the Son IS the Father (Jesus is God...there is only 1 Bible verse to back it up).**

And what verse would that be?

Lord bless.

60 posted on 03/26/2011 9:44:28 PM PDT by Zuriel (Acts 2:38,39....nearly 2,000 years and still working today!)
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