Here ,in Central New York, planting a Memorial Day weekend garden is a tradition for at least 4 generations.
Watch the long range forecast on Accuweather.
I did that last year and got my veggies in around Mother’s Day weekend. I had to cover them once or twice, but otherwise, the weather last year was so gorgeous that I got a 2-3 week start on the garden and was harvesting early.
I start peas, lettuce, and this year beets, early indoors and transplant them as soon as they are up and the ground is thawed out enough to turn over. They don’t germinate well in the cold soil, but don’t mind it once they’re started. They’re great cool weather crops They can tolerate even a light freeze and bounce right back.
I use the peat pots that can be found at Lowe’s or Wal-Mart. I stock up every spring for next year so I have them on hand in case I want to start seeds before they’re in in the stores.
This year, as we were discussing cold frames, mr. mm suggested using under the bed boxes. So we’re going to try that for the few weeks we’d need them. this guy not only grows enough food on 1/10th (!) of an acre - chickens/eggs, goats/milk for his family - but enough to SUPPORT themselves through sales.