I read The Week from 2003 to early 2007. I cancelled my subscription because The Week changed. When I read it, it was easily center-right and presented a balance in every article. Even my wife- who hates politics - read it with a relish and really enjoyed it. In the months leading up to the 2006 Congressional elections, I noticed that any story that was in any way pro-conservative became non-existent. By the time the elections were over, the magazine became almost impossible for me to read. So I wrote a formal complaint to the editor, citing articles from years past and demonstrating the complete shift towards a pro-liberal bias. I received back a response telling me that The Week was under the control a completely new editorial staff, and their job was to make sure The Week properly reflected the current political climate and the issues at hand. I hit the roof and cancelled immediately. In years past, Robert Shrum would never have been allowed to write for The Week because his liberal bias was so intense and unchecked, yet he is now one of their principle contributors. If you in any way believe in individual liberty and intellectual honesty - you’re not going to find it there.
Making too much out of one issue?