No surprise. It was this way during the Kobe Earthquake. It was this way during the Tokyo Firebombings and Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Everyone pulls together. Nobody complains.
This is why American elites, CNN, etc. essentially HATE Japan. Because it blows apart completely their house of cards about "victimized minorities", i.e. non whites. Japanese are non white, and they dont rape, loot, arson, riot with complaints in the face of immense uphill disasters. CNN may be on a desperate search for looters, but they are not going to find any (unless they brought over "looter man" and a couple of his friends from 'Nawlins).
Yep. And if you were a food merchant that thought a serious crisis like this was a good time to jack up prices you’d get the same treatment. But either one of those scenarios are about as likely as the Pope converting to Judaism.
Japanese people just do not have that kind of wiring. A person’s place in society and culture is vastly important to them. A looter would not just shame himself, he would shame his family and the Japanese nation as a whole.
This is kind of hard to write about, because we both know that Japanese people are not saints. They have their crooks, con artists, perverts — all the usual riffraff — but something like looting after an earthquake?
Bizarre. Not going to happen.
Hell, I remember looting by the police in NOLA!