What say you?
There is a curious analogy you could make to the idea of God wanting or having reasons for obeying the basic laws of physics. Genghis Khan saw at an early age that the peoples he forged into his empire had developed military capabilities beyond anything the rest of the world had but remained poor and divided precisely for lack of any sort of organization which could be defended logically, or a basic set of laws which could create order amongst them. Thus the Yasaq, or great Mongol legal code and system, was his most major work in life. He also saw that such a system could only work, if EVERYBODY including himself and his family and everybody else in leadership echelons obeyed it and agreed to be bound by it every bit as much as the lowliest person in the empire and after creating the Yasaq, he obeyed it at all times himself.
That arrangement held together for about 100 years, three or four generations, which is about as long as the empire itself held together, before starting to unravel. I believe that the situation with God and the laws of physics has to be similar, and that God will never violate those laws.
I generally do not see things I'd view as supernatural in the Bible. I see PARANORMAL things, and things outside the realm of our present experience, but they all work within the confines of physical laws.