She can live her faith til the cows come home. That's just dandy. GWB was a man of great faith as well. As is Joe Lieberman, Dan Coates, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, and countless others. But I got news for you, living her faith doesn't make Palin a conservative, nor does it prevent her inexplicable liberal, confused positions.
I have news for you, there isn't a human alive that could satisfy your desire for clarity. The frank fact of it is that only folks whom you don't know are acceptable to you.
Your biggest problem is that you impute positions to people that they don't actually have, and then get all worked up and trash them about this non-sense.
Sarah Palin has very strong Libertarian tendencies, but this is because she believes in "Classical Liberalism" the same "Liberal" ideals that animated the Founders and Reagan for that matter.
She has a few times agreed with ideas and policies that are not in accord with this, most especially her praise of Title IX which she credits for giving her the opportunity to play Basketball, but which has also been used to deny access to sports for many young men who would otherwise benefit if a quota system wasn't being imposed. We all have our blind spots.
Sarah is not blind about the need for supporting and encouraging the formation of stable families, or the value of a moral education, or the need for a strong defense in a dangerous world.
Just like in the tired arguments you made about Carly Fiorina, you just don't get it. You want someone perfect and then trash folks are decent wishing for those who are not going to be an available choice. As I said before, this is not your "A" game. It is just a wild unsubstantiated statement. Worse, you have included a mostly rogues gallery of hypocrites as examples of people who observe their faith and say Sarah Palin is the same. Where is the proof? No where, if it existed, the lamestream press would have trotted it out like the proverbial bloody shirt endlessly and forever.
This is the sort of statement that brings people to thoughts of banning you.