I don’t think Russell ranted or threw a tantrum or cried like a baby. He cried briefly, but quickly regained his composure. He briefly expressed his disappointment in his teammates for throwing the challenge. And, he showed dignity in his exit.
Voted out last night: Kristina
Redemption Island last night: Matt defeated Russell
Combined Immunity and Reward challenge winner: Zapatera
Ometepe Tribe (orange buffs): Andrea, Ashley, Grant, Natalie, Phillip, Rob
Zapatera Tribe (purple buffs): David, Julie, Krista, Mike, Ralph, Sarita, Stephanie, Steve
Redemption Island: Kristina, Matt
Eliminated: Francesca, Russell
Immunity Idol status - Ometepe: Rob has the idol.
Immunity Idol status - Zapatera: Ralph has the idol.
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I do find RI interesting. One of the regular posters at CBS Survivor linked to something Jeff said about RI as a place to gather intel.
So far intel has been gathered and it is interesting to see how the individuals handle it.
Phil handled it like a red hot cannon ball dropped into greasey hands.