I know of goat breeders that sell male kids for meat. That isn’t shocking.
The fact that the goat appeared malnourished was disturbing. The creature one intends to eat isn’t usually starved before slaughter.
Goats are always kind of scrawny. One of their problems as a food meat is that they don’t have much fat, so sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s malnourished or simply normal (for a goat).
Goats are strange animals. I had one once that we were going to breed and keep as a milk goat, but she was a big Alpine goat and was very strong and totally out of control. She could get out of any pen and any restraint (goats’ heads are narrower than their necks) and she was also aggressive.
The tiny goats that the Mexicans and other goat-eating folk have are smaller to begin with and usually are eaten pretty young (before they develop that goaty taste). This was probably not a goat but a kid, which is when their flavor is best and the meat is the most tender.