I can tell you right now that we are going to have Huckabee crammed down our throats by the lamestream media before the primaries. Why? If he accidently beat Barack he is liberal enough that the MSM could live with him especially since he has that personality of wanting to be loved and wanting to be bi-partisan. Remember his interview with Michelle, that is what we would have as president except worse.
He is also the one they could bury and make fun of and people would listen.
I can’t stand the thought of him as President, I wouldn’t even go to a church he was preaching in. He is two faced and has that oilness that some evangelical preachers have. Poofy hair do, manicured nails and “bipartisan”.
Bipartisan to Reagan was getting the other side to agree with you while be civil and honest.
Bipartisan to Huckabee would be giving half of the farm away.
The Press did it 2008 by making sure McCain (who they couldn’t stand became the GOP candidate because they knew they could beat him, not because he is the best for the job. Huckabee was two faced and unethical when he stayed in the race so that Romney would lose.
The MSM had less power in 2004 than they had in 2000. They had less power in 2008, and less in 2010 than they had in 2008. By 2012, they will have gone the way of the telephone modem. Sure, some still use them.
Poor, put-upon mitt romney. He only had the entire fox news channel behind him in 2008(and still does today), he had all of “conservative” radio including limbaugh, ingraham, hannity, savage, hewitt, and levin shilling for him, he had national review and the Bush WH(including Cheney and tokyo rove) advocating for him. Its just a damn shame that the powerful mike schmuckabee kept the deserving romney from winning the nomination. Maybe if fox “news” had spent 200 million dollars in contribution-in-kind promotion on romney via their airwaves instead of the 150 million they did it would have made a difference.
Why? Because the MSM will easily squash him like a bug.