“Our nontraditional boys’ names reflect our own desire to raise sons who will be as comfortable pushing dolls in strollers as pushing trucks.”
By not naming you son a “man’s” name you turn him into faggot fodder.
This is one of the stupidist naming articles I’ve ever read.
She makes no mention of going back to the bible for many of the names - I mean, Elijah (for anyone who knows the story) is far from feminine. Why would you name a boy a feminine name anyway? It’s like saying, ‘I want my child to be confused and picked on”.
However, looking at the picture of the author, she does look a little confused to me. I was trying to figure out if she was a feminine man or a butch woman.
I wasn’t too happy when my brother named my nephews Cameron and Peyton. I think he let his wife pic the names.
Not surprising.
The second most widely spoken language in America after English is “LISP”.
And sadly, I ain’t talking some archaic programming language...