<Computers and water seems like a bad combo
You know, that’s my thought as well. Right now, the house I’m renting has older models with a few bells and whistles such as load size and several choices for drying. That seems fine to me.
When I buy a new washer/dryer, I’m going to opt for a standard top loader. I love the look of the new appliances, but from what I hear, they need a lot of repair. I expect appliances to last like my mother’s old Kenmores - bought for her wedding in 1952 and lasted until I went to college in the ‘70’s. Actually, they were still good, she just wanted something new. I can’t imagine turning on new machine and find it doesn’t work because the complicated machinery/computers are temperamental. To heck with that, just paint my standard model a nice red or blue and I’m there.
I’m defending the Chevy Volt on one thread and advocating 20 yr old Maytags on another.
JimRob will probably have me sent out for full analysis, LOL.