1 posted on
10/21/2010 12:52:10 PM PDT by
To: Clink
2 posted on
10/21/2010 12:53:53 PM PDT by
(That which supports Barack Hussein Obama must be sterilized and there are NO exceptions!)
To: Clink
all they have to do is create enough of a racket that doubt is cast upon the process. they know they have the edge in the courtroom.
Absolutely anything that occurs will accrue to their benefit -- even a genuine concern about fraud being expressed. They'll just let the din rise until it goes to court.
To: Clink
To: Clink
"There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo. Please use in that order".
Representative Larry McDonald (D-GA) 1935-1983.
5 posted on
10/21/2010 12:56:31 PM PDT by
("When brute force is on the march, compromise is the red carpet." Ayn Rand)
To: Clink
Times have changed (Tea Party) since the Franken debacle, Rats had best beware.
6 posted on
10/21/2010 12:56:57 PM PDT by
The Cajun
To: Clink
Don’t you know that complaining about voter fraud is racist? I am finding that out this election cycle.
7 posted on
10/21/2010 12:57:03 PM PDT by
(the tree of liberty is withering like a stricken fig tree)
To: Clink
"The prospect of tyranny may not grab the headlines the way vivid stories of gun crime routinely do. But few saw the Third Reich coming until it was too late. The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once".
Judge Alex Kozinski
9 posted on
10/21/2010 12:59:08 PM PDT by
(The Second Amendment, A Matter Of Fact, Not A Matter Of Opinion)
To: Clink
You don't get it. We're going to be lucky if they only steal a few. Look at Al Franken and think about how much more desperate they're going to be this election. That's all you need to know. We're far closer the edge than the democrat fascists will admit to themselves so they're going to steal a couple and you may as well be ready for it.
If the Republicans gain the majority they can refuse to seat those who stole elections and proceed without them. Of course, that's exactly what the democrat fascists want and part of why they're going to steal a couple. It's one of their planned ways to try and delegitimize the the majority by saying that some were not represented so nothing that the majority does is legit. Insisting that someone stole their seat even though it's a provable lie worked so well when they used that issue to start getting many an independent and Republican to turn on Bush that they're bound to run the same play again.
14 posted on
10/21/2010 1:05:20 PM PDT by
(Obama is already insane and sequestered on golf courses or vacations so you won't know it)
To: Clink
What happens? We turn into the USSA!
Americans have become far too soft to fight a true tyrannical government. Every single day there are at least hundreds of families who are innocent victims of government corruption. They lose their savings, they lose their kids, and what do they do? They sit around moping!
The decent people are terribly afraid of the other half of the population: the selfish, ignorant, psychotic, cruel, godless, soulless, monstrous leftists who are looking for any “right wing terrorist” to magnify their propaganda machine.
15 posted on
10/21/2010 1:07:04 PM PDT by
(“None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license...")
To: Clink
"hat Happens If More Than A Few Elections Are Stolen Through Voter Fraud?" I expect some very close Senate races next month, and this will mean some potential Dem fraud similar to Franken's election in 2008. Dems in Missouri, Illinois, and Florida will not hesitate to "find" more ballot boxes like they did in Washington state in 2006 or Minnesota in 2008. But the race will have to be close, within a couple thousand votes and about 0.1% or so. Even the Democrats won't try and cheat their way more than one-tenth of a percent.
Democratic cheating in Illinois is legendary, by the way; in Florida the cheating was fairly rampant in Dade County during 2000; I recall some precincts with greater than 100% (as high as 105%) turnout.
18 posted on
10/21/2010 1:07:44 PM PDT by
tom h
To: Clink
My husband and I were talking about this last night - he thinks the next step would be the courts. I am not convinced it would work after seeing what happened with Al Franken, as well as the Black Panthers.
20 posted on
10/21/2010 1:09:16 PM PDT by
(We've got some altering and abolishing to do! - Herman Cain)
To: Clink
21 posted on
10/21/2010 1:09:59 PM PDT by
(if the choice is between Crazy and Commie, I choose Crazy.)
To: Clink
I'm not worried. As long as the federal government has a reputable Attorney General who will enforce the laws, we don't have to resort to a less savory option to deal with fraud. With Eric Holder in charge, what could go wrong?
23 posted on
10/21/2010 1:13:00 PM PDT by
(Natural born citizen of the USA, with the birth certificate to prove it)
To: Clink
To: Clink
It is already happening on the Indian Reservations of South Dakaota with their “feeds”/
26 posted on
10/21/2010 1:15:04 PM PDT by
CPT Clay
(Pick up your weapon and follow me.)
To: Clink
Nothing will happen. If anything does happen, those perpetrating it will have people hanging them out to dry before the last piece of brass hits the ground.
Any frog jumping out of the pot early will be ridiculed by all the other frogs staying in the nice warm water. If you land in the fire instead, they will laugh at you and point out how it was much better to stay in the pot like a good little froggie. After all, it ain't boiling yet is it? - Me. July, 2006
28 posted on
10/21/2010 1:17:23 PM PDT by
Dead Corpse
(III, Alarm and Muster)
To: Clink
I think Progressives pretty much have a working formula. They use it in their own primaries against other Democrats as of late. (Obama vs Clinton.) All they have to do is stay close. The recount is where they win a tough battle. Gore almost pulled it off. Franken did. I think we’ll see it in the Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer races. Then the two will come out smiling and thank their states for having so much confidence in them. And they’ll go back to work for the American people....after they hug Obama. I’m worried as heck too.
29 posted on
10/21/2010 1:23:06 PM PDT by
(In God We Still Trust)
To: Clink
30 posted on
10/21/2010 1:49:00 PM PDT by
(Hey, Barack "Hubris" Obama, what are you hiding? Release your Birth Certificate!)
To: Clink
Normal people don’t know what to do. Normal people have principles that prevent them from stealing an election and then accepting it as valid.
Liberals have no such principles, so it doesn’t bother them at all to steal an election and have someone take office fraudulently.
To: Clink
38 posted on
10/21/2010 2:42:28 PM PDT by
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