the Non Native Canadian Wolf
and take the radio collar and attach it to a long haul truck.
Can we say "environmentalists," children?
This happened in Spain first. The radical environmentalists got the government to prohibit hunting of wolves...and suddenly ripped-up sheep started turning up all over northern Spain. Followed by ripped-up elderly men and women who were attacked while crossing fields in the evening in these remote villages.
Way to go, environmentalists.
Children are the next item on that menu...
There is plenty of evidence that wolves are outcompeting Griz for natural prey (deer and elk), in Montana and Wyoming.
I’ve talked to the locals and they’re very clear about this fact.
Check the emaciated state of the sow Griz who’ve attacked humans, last year and this.
And then I try to have that discussion with the wolf lovers here in Colorado, and “oh no, that’s just not possible...”
Do you think a wolf could learn to eat democRATS?
Put that wolf up against a Mastiff and see what happens.
“One wolf” ? ? ?
Lone wolves are mostly a literary expression, as wolves are pack predators.
Given the job security v. truth conflict with all wolf program persons, I’d suggest considering anything said by such persons as unreliable at best, and deliberately deceptive at worst.
In my experience, AgencyPersons statements are more often “worst” than “best”.
All the wolves in the country are worth less than one calf.
our pyre has been unemployed for a few years and has taken to getting the squirrels to safety as we motor away from the house. the neighbors cow dog came over one day and was annoying him, Bo picked up the austrailian sheppard with one paw and flipped him on his back and held it there until cow dog figured out he wasn’t any match..pyre’s do the least amount of effort it takes to solve the problem. i love that dog... he’s been great.
“....Wolf meetings held in rural areas of the involved states gave the public a chance to react to steps taken by the recovery team. One meeting held in Grangeville, Idaho, illustrates the amount of education needed before the rural public accepts the wolf reintroductions: “The superintendent of the local grade school set the tone by pleading with [Idaho Senator Larry] Craig to stop wolf recovery now. He pointed out that many of the local school bus stops were in remote areas, so local children might become wolf fodder” (Fischer 1995:53). But the facts are that there is not a single verified case of wolves ever harming a human in the wild in North America. Wolves try their best to stay away from humans. Even when wolf populations were high during the early years of the bounty programs, there were no verified cases of wolves ever harming humans. Even the young children who stole pups from dens, in some cases while the adult female was in the den with her pups, never suffered any harm. However the mythology surrounding wolves continues to be accepted as reality. Fearing wolves because of a concern for human safety illustrates the negative effects of wolf symbolism....”
I can see thinning the packs but that’s about all.