Posted on 07/29/2010 7:35:00 PM PDT by TexasBarak
A few months ago, my father passed away. At the time, numerous Freepers graciously helped me in indentifying his medals, for which I and my family were quite grateful.
Dad chose to be cremated, and Mom accepted my offer to make an urn for his ashes.
The urn is finished now. The plan is to put an engraved brass plate on it, featuring several of his medals and awards. The problem I'm having is that noone seems to be able to do this particular engraving job! It was a big surprise to me, but while the engraver had files for lots of military insignia, they had none for medals.
So, does anyone have, or know where I can get line art (or Corel suitable) renderings of the Combat Infantry badge, Silver Star, and Distinguished Flying Cross?
Incidentally, Dad told me that he was always treated with respect as a young liutenant whenever he went to a new unit- because the CIB, Silver Star, and Bronze Star told the story. Sometime later, he told me that the DFC was the only medal he was really proud of- because "you don't see too many infantry grunts with a DFC!".
Each of the services has a visual aid showing the medals past and present. Contact you local recruiter. He can probably help you get a copy of the visual aid for the Army.
Go to:
Read their conditions of image use.
Nice tribute, we are all grateful for his service.
If I may suggest?
or any of the other (many) so-called rack builders. They provide a professional product, can be made as a one piece rack and provide the full color visual - something important to determine the actuall award.
Be proud of your Father - a CIB and DFC - musta been one heck of a tour.
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