To: krb
You can HD/Bluray fiasco on Toshiba. Their greed led to an unwillingness to agree to a SINGLE standard and they have paid dearly for it.
32 posted on
07/07/2010 6:59:11 AM PDT by
(Heavenly Father, deliver us from evil and from those perpetuating it, in Jesus name, amen.)
To: Jmouse007
Yeah, it all started when Toshiba hit Sony back. :-)
33 posted on
07/07/2010 7:11:40 AM PDT by
(Obama is a miserable failure.)
To: Jmouse007
You can BLAME (sorry, forgot the word.)
34 posted on
07/07/2010 7:13:33 AM PDT by
(Heavenly Father, deliver us from evil and from those perpetuating it, in Jesus name, amen.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson