Ah, another deNileist shows up. You will believe in Balloon Earth Theory when the whole thing goes Pop!
I think we need to start invoking the old gods to intervene. Without it we are doomed!
I mean specifically we need to have Obama and the EPA establish an ethnic section within the EPA( so politically correct!), who go around collecting virgins to sacrifice to volcanos in Hawaii.No hear me out, its not so outlandish! All of Obama's African dictator friends, including Robert Mugabe, would support this, especially if some of the virgins were Caucasian! Rev. Jeremiah Wright would approve immediately!
Of course we know that there are almost no Dem virgins, so that leaves the conservative Republicans as a source. We could sell Obama on it as a way to reduce the numbers of conservatives as well!
And on top of that, we could reverese Global Warming almost immediately! What to you think Al Gorp was doing when he boarded Molly Hegerty in Oregon? He was checking her virginity!They are already planning IT!(This will be Al's defence to Molly's law suit.)
THE VIRGIN SACRIFICE MOVEMENT (VSM). JOIN TODAY!!!!! ( Sponsored by Presidential Executive Order to the E.P.A.)