>>> John McCain was a thousand yards and 3 years short of natural born citizen.
Well, whether McCain is eligible for POTUS or not is a matter for the courts, and is more or less moot at this point.
At least McCain is a US citizen.
At least McCain produced his records in response to the challenge of his status.
I really have to wonder though.... did the dems introduce the bill you mentioned to encourage McCain to run? or to clear the way for Obama? Hard call there, considering they turned right back around and ignored their own bill as they challenged his status.
Frankly, I think Obama is doing more in his first year for the republicans and ensuring future long term republican control than McCain could have ever done.
I’m also surprised that more conservatives are not realizing or voicing the position that Obama’s eligibility is the clearest and quickest path to reversing everything he has gotten away with.
> “I really have to wonder though.... did the dems introduce the bill you mentioned to encourage McCain to run? or to clear the way for Obama? Hard call there, considering they turned right back around and ignored their own bill as they challenged his status.” <
You have to remember who the original “Birthers” were. They were the Democrats who kept asking McCain to prove his natural born citizenship.
With the introduction of the (Bill) Senate 2678 and Senate Resolution 511 they were providing each other cover and that is why they are ALL complicit, even McCain.
Again, google and read “Obama Knew He Wasn’t Eligible For POTUS.” The whole affair doesn’t pass the “Smell Test.”
I've read that following the Senate resolution declaring McCain natural born, bills for Senate review of Obama's NBC status were put on ice by the Democrat leadership. Does anyone have know of a citation for this?
Re: ...whether McCain is eligible for POTUS or not is a matter for the courts.
John McCain is not a “natural born” citizen. He is a statutory citizen.