A case could be made that the American people are just plain stupid since they boted for Obama the asshole in the first place.
But after a year of this shit, do you really think that maybe just maybe most Americans are waking up to the fact that we have government leaders in Washington now who are avowed commie bastards, radical leftist commie sons of bitches and traitors and maybe they should all be voted out of office.
I know a lot of people that don't pay attention to the news whatsoever and those that do swallow the swill from the MSM.
The people on welfare don't care if Obama becomes a dictator because they will still get their freebies.
Since the 1960’s our pubic screwls have misinformed and indoctrinated American youth.
IMO the majority of Americans are happy so long as they can watch American Idol, Desperate Housewives, Housewives of where-ever, get the latest cell phone, video games, designer sneakers and clothes. They don't give a damn about this country. They've had it too good for far, far too long.
The people that voted for Obama were blind fools. A lack of education is what destroys people and they blindly followed Obama, believing in his Hope and Change, that was nothing but LIES and Change for the worse. We knew it because we were informed of who Obama really was. I have news for everyone, I study the Bible and especially Bible prophecy, I was not surprised by Obama’s election, God puts the leaders in their positions, and in this case I felt that if McCain won, it wasn’t time yet, but that if Obama did, God had a reason. All the biblical prophetic signs have been fulfilled that will allow the Christians to be removed whenever God says it is time, once that happens all real hell breaks out on this earth. Keep your eyes on Israel, she is the key, and see how Obama does not fully support her, it is all leading up to the return of Christ, so I suggest to all of you-—get informed—BIBLICALLY—what you don’t know will make you as ignorant as the ones who voted Obama in. Bible prophecy has been ACCURATE beyond belief. There are plenty of excellent prophecy scholars with TV shows on Christian broadcasting stations right now, and they are all in agreement that we are actually in those last days...learn what you need to learn for your sake and the sake of your families. The only way we win now is with Christ.