very selfish to not participate in the slaughter and consumption of other creatures.sarc/
Why is it that so many carnivores feel the need to attack vegetarians for their life choice? Guilt, the only reason that makes sense.
Very rarely will you find that a vegetarian has attacked the choices of carnivores until provoked.
I certainly don't, I stated the disgust I felt over whale hunting and was immediately attacked because, "you must not know where hamburger comes from, do you not eat cows, deer, ducks, elk, etc., etc."
It was only after being accused of being a hypocrite, a liberal whale-hugger, an emotional responder, and other various stupid and jejune things, did I even reply simply, that no, I do not eat mammals, fish or poultry.
That's when so many meat-eating neanderthals pounced on me like a wild hyena for the crime of vegetarianism.
Now, if I were to follow suit with the same vein of attack that I as a vegetarian faced...I guess I would have said something like...No, I do not partake of the decaying flesh of another living being. A being that has their blood drained from their flesh in more than likely a cruel and torturous manner. A once living being that has it's carcass sawed apart, so some human can throw it's flesh onto a Barbecue grill, char it over with carcinogens and then gnat that artery clogging, heart attack waying flesh from the bones of the hacked apart once breathing, living anilmal. Not unlike a back alley stray dog latching on to piece of rotting flesh, that's a carnivore!
Yep...I guess I could have said something like that...but, then again, what is the point? I would have just been stating the obvious!
Oh, and a new freak out in post 419!
Way to convince everyone that vegetarians AREN’T nutballs!
Just an observation here, but why is it that so many vegetarians seem to find it necessary to attack carnivores for obtaining the essential elements of their diet?
You choose what you want to eat. Permit those of us who choose differently to have our dinner, too.
As for the whales, the oil industry saved them well over a century ago. Without it, the last whale would have lit a lamp somewhere long ago.
Actually its true, you consume more energy by eating vegies than meat eaters. Cattle are very efficient animals that graze on ground that is otherwise barren except for grass. It takes extra fuel, fertilizer and water to grow vegies so you can have your condescending smug attitude.
For you its a religion, but in reality being a vegie is more of a selfish cult. See the world works on efficiencies and your not being very efficient. Nothing wrong w/vegies, but being one doesn’t make you any better than a meat eater. Actually, its pretty wasteful.
Pray for America’s Freedom
No reflection on you, I just need it for future reference.