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To: Zhang Fei

Regardless how religious or romantic the ideals may be, marriage is a legally binding contract. You stand before God and man, pledge your fidelity until death do part. Breaking a contract costs money, the more money you have the more it costs, add intentional tort (the cheating) and punitive damages are awarded.

She modeled some swimwear, that does not make her evil, in fact, it was probably part of the package that Woods wanted. She gave him a couple of kids, she was never acused of cheating and by all appearance was a loving wife. She apparently was doing her part. If things were not good on the home front, get some counselling, quietly get a divorce, deal with it like an adult.

If your wife has to read about your 3-fers with hookers and hear your girlfriends complain about being cheated on, well, she has her pound of flesh coming.

139 posted on 12/15/2009 8:30:25 PM PST by dangerdoc
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To: dangerdoc
"If your wife has to read about your 3-fers with hookers and hear your girlfriends complain about being cheated on, well, she has her pound of flesh coming."

I'm with you there. He didn't just cheat on her, he publicly humiliated her -- repeatedly -- as well as threatened her health. That should cost him.

I find it really interesting that on a Conservative (pro-marriage, pro-family) website, there is so much sympathy for Tiger not being "hurt too much financially" for his disastrous behavior. Worse, there are some men here turning his wife (who did no wrong that we know of) into some "gold-digging, free-loading floozy" who "didn't contribute as much to the marriage".

I've got news -- it's guys like Tiger and his defenders here who were the reason that feminism was born in the first place! Men close ranks when it's one of their own being punished, so why shouldn't women do the same?

252 posted on 12/16/2009 4:52:19 PM PST by Bokababe (Save Christian Kosovo!
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