Information about Black Muslims isn’t relevant on a Black Muslim thread?
Either way...why don’t you act the bigger man and simply hit page down a couple of times? You’d barely even see the text flash by.
As for his “meltdown,” they were gone before I opened this thread. But perhaps someone is justified in melting a little when someone calls their efforts spam.
As I said...I find the information useful. You don’t. The mods apparently don’t mind his posts because they don’t remove them. Live and let live?
Yes, you should. Start by not worrying about my posts.
Weird, isn't it?
There was a person the other day who was jumping all over my posts on a thread regarding Russia, calling them "spam" etc. All had to do with exposing Putin for the murderous thug that he is. After a series of back and forths, I finally got the person to admit that he was a KGB Putin supporter! I was actually shocked that he openly admitted it. Anyway, after that he quickly quieted down and went away. That is, after I supplied even more facts about the things Putin has done and is doing currently. Perhaps he didn't know these things before? (not!..he knew)