I heartily second Brazil. In fact I’d put it a smidgeon ahead of Ice Pirates. It’s kind of a wry comic version of 1984, which in theory shouldn’t work, but it does. I love Robert DeNiro as the outlaw air conditioner repairman. He tweaks the government by fixing peoples’ A/C units in the dark of night before the incompetent government repairmen can get to them, and as a result he’s on the government’s Most Wanted list. I think Brazil won a couple of Oscars back in ‘87 or whenever it was that it was made.
Brazil was an excellent movie, one of the great sendups of liberal dystopia. But, for anyone who has not seen it, beware, it’s not all light, comedic fun; it’s got a mean streak that surfaces when you least expect it, and can be very disturbing.
The casting, the writing, the cinematography and the effects are first-rate, and have withstood the test of time. It does not appear dated at all. If this sounds like it suits anyones’ taste, go download it from Netflix or rent it. It’ll be enjoyable.
BTW, I was just scanning through on the comments tab and saw your reply about Brazil, and so I don’t know if anyone has mentioned Shawshank Redemption. That’s another I’d consider a great, even though I detest Tim Robbins’ politics. They’re thankfully not on full display in this one.
Harry Tuttle: Bloody paperwork. Huh!
Sam Lowry: I suppose one has to expect a certain amount.
Harry Tuttle: Why? I came into this game for the action, the excitement. Go anywhere, travel light, get in, get out, wherever there's trouble, a man alone. Now they got the whole country sectioned off, you can't make a move without a form.