“I guess you have degrees in law and psychiatry, and are just rendering your expert opinion.”
Do I need those degrees to have an opinion about this kook woman?
Does her record thus far require one to have a degree to see her incompetence?
Behold the brilliance of Orly Taitz:
What are YOUR expert qualifications? And as for my about page, it also indicates that I have been here many times longer than you. Know thy place, n00b.
Well first of all you are scarcely “humble”. So your web name is a bit of a fraud, isn’t it? Perhaps you might call it irony.
As to your link, sorry but I don’t watch your favorite channel, MSNBC. I’m a conservative. I think Orly Taitz certainly showed poor judgement in appearing on those communist TV networks. Give her time, maybe she’s learning the ropes. As I recall Sarah Palin was forced to appear on communist TV by John McCain and his campaign managers, but she’s also learned her lesson by now. Do you think Sarah Palin is a “nut” also?
By the way, I think that anyone who represents themselves as a scary cartoon figure holding a semiautomatic weapon, would be well advised not to call anyone else a “nut”.
As to my qualifications, I am a graduate of that same Ivy League cesspool that gave us our imposter President. I don’t plan to give them any money, but they don’t believe me. They keep on calling.
You are entitled to your ill-informed opinion. If Orly Taitz happens to be successful in bringing Obama to justice, I’m sure you will sing her praises. I praise her for her efforts right now, because no one else is doing anything to bring Obama to justice. Is she standing in the way of a crack team of lawyers who want to take the case? I hadn’t heard about it. Go Orly! Bring the communist imposter to justice!
As to all you catcalling naysayers, I am amazed there are so many of you, and ashamed that you are my fellow conservatives.
Hey, they even called Noah a “ NUT “ or “ Crazy “ when God told Noah to build a ark, but, those who called Noah a “ NUT “ or “ Crazy “ stopped laughing when the flood waters came.