So this person was able to get health care. Doesn't this prove that the system works?
This is so senseless.
There is availability of healthcare to all in this country and healthcare is not denied in emergency situations even to those who cannot afford it.
It was the responsibility of this young woman to seek emergency medical care especially when her condition worsened. The fact that she did not is her own fault and no one else should be blamed for that mistake.
I wonder how much that University of Miami degree cost?
And the doctor couldn't have done squat unless he had treated the case AGGRESSIVELY within 24-48 hours of the onset of symptoms.
And even then, it might not have been enough.
There are many cases of people seeming to get better, then relapsing and dying QUICKLY of H1N1.
By definition, this is all Obama's fault -- this was supposed to be the moment when the planet began to heal, don't you remember?
Sadly, there is no guarantee that she would have sought treatment even if she had some form of health insurance. After all, there are usually co-pays and other pesky charges even with insurance programs. Some people gamble more than they can afford to spend...
Sad for any death but I’m calling BS on this. Up until the time she graduated, her parents should have had her on their insurance. After she graduated with a double degree (art and language - should have gone for a better paying degree but whatever), she could have afforded her own insurance. That aside, she did get a H1N1 flu shot and was treated for pneumonia and was released. Apparently, there were further complications and she returned to the hospital. So, she was able to obtain medical treatment twice.
My son is a college student. I pay for his individual BCBS policy. It’s only $52.00 a month for basic coverage.
Another thing....where were her parents? They wouldn’t provide her with an individual policy or give her $150 for one of those no-appointment-needed urgent care centers when she first became sick?
It sounds more like a sad story of procrastination and bad decisions; something that could have have happened to any of us and not really related to lack of insurance.
I know I am supposed to “awwww” and feel really bad.
Instead I marvelk at the stupidity of a college grad who can’t take care of herself.
Its not a problem with healthcare...its a people problem. She received treatmnent and would have a couple of weeks ago also.
Sad, but avoidable.
Young became ill about two weeks ago, but didnt seek care initially because she didnt have health insurance and was worried about the cost, according to Brent Mowery, her friend and former roommate. ... Thats the most tragic part about it. If she had insurance, she would have gone to the doctor, Mowery said.
It doesn't cost $1,000 to go see a Doctor. And, where were/are her PARENTS in all this?
The truth of the story is probably that this woman was simply the unlucky one in a large number for whom H1N1 became deadly. H1N1 is still considered a mild flu, milder than most seasonal flus. On some college campuses, significant numbers of students have had, or have H1N1 infections, and often several members of their football squads.
Stated as a fact. More accurately, the public option is intended to make insurance cheaper and more accessible. Whether it would have any such effect, especially in the long run, is quite debatable.
The history of unintended consequences for government programs is long and messy.
A few years back my then 19yo son was between jobs. He got sick and paid $50 at one of those Urgent Care places to get seen. They gave him a prescription for antibiotics which he then took to Walmart and paid either $5 or nothing for his medicine.
Was this girl an invalid as to the reason why she didn’t seek care?