1)Since they had gone to the trouble of identifying the woman with the pastor as a "coke dealer", how much harder could it have been to identify a small town pastor when you have access to his vehicle's license tag number?
2)How did they know that he knew her to be a coke dealer?
Woe be it to our society when someone is held to account for the transgressions of any stranded motorist or hitchhiker they offer assistance to.
3)"Links" to evade capture?
So let me get this straight... If immediately after using an ATM, two guys in civilian clothes jump out of a vehicle that can best be described as the "thug vehicle of choice" and start running towards me with weapons drawn, I should hang around and submit to whatever they demand because they just MIGHT be cops?
Strange, but on nearly every thread of this nature, we are treated to a lecture by some bootlicker on how we should consider how cops, TRAINED cops, are required to make split second judgment calls in life or death situations. Now, a young, small town PREACHER who is completely oblivious to any danger is supposed to react in a split second to being surprised by multiple armed attackers without resorting to the "fight or flight" instinct?
Now we hold unarmed preachers to a higher standard than trained, armed police officers?
Impressive statement, civilian police raids in our neighborhoods should be so well investigated, planned and trained for, and conducted in such a manner that loss of innocent life is almost non existent.
Have the police forgotten what their duty is? There must be less deadly ways to enforce local laws.
Well said, and worth repeating.
I came to this thread late, but I have to say that your summerization of the situation is excellent.