If Kenya was under British rule, wouldn’t they use British weights? Instead of pounds, shouldn’t it be stones?
If something/person weighed more than 12 pounds, you would be correct. Since Obama weighed lest that one stone, only the mentions of pounds would be used.
Weights of adults would have been ___ stones and _____, second blank implying the number of pounds in addition to the number of stones.
No - 1 stone = 14 lbs.
Partial measurements of larger denominations are almost never used. Also, the pounds system IS the English system of weights and measures. We didn’t make it up ourselves. The metric treaty wasn’t signed until 1960 - full conversion was certainly not completed in such remote places as Kenya within 2 years.
Example - something that weighs 25 lbs could be described as:
2 stone (general - an approximation), or
1 stone 11 - meaning 1 stone 11 lbs (more exact)
Yeah, and they would have written dates in this manner:
7 September 2009