To: aruanan; Nikas777; Quix; Salamander
"Where do people get the idea that Satan and his demons rule over a Kingdom of Hell like God and his angels rule over a Kingdom of Heaven?"
(Oh, yeah - and the Scriptures ..... and Zoroaster ..... and Milton.)
(And a You-are-not-the-only-one ping to you, Sal.)
44 posted on
08/21/2009 2:06:58 AM PDT by
(" ..... then we will fight in the shade.")
To: shibumi
45 posted on
08/21/2009 3:57:37 AM PDT by
(POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
To: shibumi
Yes, that seems to be the primary one to me, too.
I think it's probably like this: symmetry>Milton>Zoroaster>scripture.
63 posted on
08/21/2009 8:23:18 AM PDT by
To: shibumi
But people think I’m “crazy” when I point out all the “UFO/alien miracle beings” conditioning being rammed into our brains.
I have one, simple, infallible rule regarding Christ’s second coming.
Regardless of all the “signs and wonders” shown by some “being”, if I pinch myself and it hurts, Jesus ain’t back yet.
82 posted on
08/21/2009 12:38:18 PM PDT by
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