I was just making an observation, and I could say the exact same thing about your assessment of this e-mail: you may be reading too much into it. After all, as I simply noted, it is just an e-mail message and appears to be unsubstantiated/not cooborated by any other source. I also don’t know who AntiMullah is, or who Orly Tait is and whether a confirmation from this person at his/her website should be at all considered as valid.
I hope this is all true, but I am not one to read very much into an obscure sensationalistic headline with nothing else to go on. Will wait for further confirmation.
Missed this post, as I was posting my last post:
So that’s something anyway.
A newspaper in Florida and the L.A. Times have both reported this now.
If you don’t know who Orly Taitz is, then you’re obviously very late to the bc party.
Trust me, she is someone you should read up on. She’s done more to forward the release of Obama’s long form bc than perhaps any other person in America.