The 0bammunists would come at any popular "rebellion" with overwhelming military force, just as Chavez, the Iranian mullahs, and the Soviets have done. The only chance for success is if a substantial part of the existing armed forces turn on the regime.
That's because the US Constitution requires the Federal Government to defeat rebellions, insurrections, invasions and domestic violence. So fageddaboutit.
So, do you want to secede? Do you really truly honestly sincerely want to secede? OK, here's how you do it:
You secede the exact same way you got into the Union in the first place -- your state government applies to the US Congress to secede. Then you negotiate, and negotiate and negotiate -- possible for years.
When it's all said & done, there is a new contract -- a new constitution which is ratified just like the old one, and provides for the seceding states in whatever status & term were finally agreed to.
There is no blood-shed, no law breaking, no violence. It's all done in a very civilized, peaceful manner.
Does that sound unrealistic? Well of course, but it's the only POSSIBLE way. Anything else and your violence will be met with overwhelming constitutionally mandated Federal force.
Overwhelming military force against #1) The State sponsored Militias, Police Forces as well as activated “home guard” (all willing able bodied men) 2) Unorganized patritiots which would defend the homeland, 3)National Guard Units called by governors, and finally #3 A large portion of our militiar which would either A) Stay out, or B side with US because they take their OATHS seriously, and as long as we arent the instigators of the war, nor the agressors, and try for peace- I dont think The O’s brown-shirts will get very far.