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To: BroJoeK
Read the US Constitution, as ammended by the Bill of Rights. No statement will be found in either place regarding a state's right of unilateral secession, unapproved withdrawal from the Union OR powers reassumed by the people.

Along with the Bill of Rights, these powers reassumed, or resumed, by the people were proposed by three states -- New York, Virginia and Rhode Island. The Bill of Rights were accepted, the "reassumed" powers rejected. Look it up, pal.

Let me repeat it for you, 'Squat-to-Post' (from my Post 2187):

"Care to be more specific, regarding the supposed 'REJECTION' of the subject ratification documents? Care to provide any historical documentation regarding the supposed 'REJECTIONS?'

"Of course not."

None of the States reserving their rights, in writing, at the time of ratification, were refused admission to the union. Not a single one of them, 'Squat-to-Post.'

You're a bull sh!t artist, pure & simple...

2,190 posted on 08/27/2009 5:24:46 PM PDT by Who is John Galt? ("Sometimes I have to break the law in order to meet my management objectives." - Bill Calkins, BLM)
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To: Who is John Galt?
from 2,190 WIJG: "None of the States reserving their rights, in writing, at the time of ratification, were refused admission to the union."

Read Virginia's lengthy signing statement. You will notice:

These items, plus others, were selected, combined & accepted into the first ten amendments -- the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

But here's my point again: Not every item that Virginia or other states proposed in signing statements was accepted into the Constitution. Especially rejected was any language referring to powers "reassumed," or "resumed," by the people, or suggesting the possibility of states' unilateral secession.

That's a fact, not BS.

2,194 posted on 08/28/2009 11:53:02 AM PDT by BroJoeK (a little historical perspective...)
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