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To: PeaRidge; Non-Sequitur; stand watie

Wouldn’t the name alone have given you a clue?

In Non-Sequitur’s defence, he knows more about the Civil war and can document it on these threads faster than anyone I have ever seen and I commend him for not allowing such juvenile tripe as normally get posted on these threads to go unanswered.

stand on the other hand makes stuff up as he goes along and has for years, just ask him to retell the tale of how the confederate navy captured a u boat during WWII and displayed it in Galveston Texas.

The sole documentation of this event is recorded in a book no one but stand has ever seen or heard of, as for the U boat itself one would think that such a prize would be a center piece of the city of Galveston and yet there are no records at all of it ever being displayed there.

1,054 posted on 07/01/2009 6:00:38 AM PDT by usmcobra (Your chances of dying in bed are reduced by getting out of it, but most people still die in bed)
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To: usmcobra; All
did you bother to READ the SILLINESS that you posted in # 1054???

inasmuch as there was NO Confederate Navy in WWII, you look (once more) really clue-LESS, DIS-honest & STUPID.

actually any number of people have seen & "heard of" the book in question (i believe even your buddy, "bubba, the LIAR", has stopped denying its existence, as the book was REVIEWED in at least FOUR major publications.). - in order to DENY that there is such a book as YACHTS AGAINST SUBS, you must believe that MOTORBOATING & SAILING, YACHTING, THE RUDDER & THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT SUNDAY MAGAZINE conspired to FOOL their own subscribers. (would you care to defend THAT position, "DUH,snake?? - PLEASE try, as we all need yet another belly-laugh at YOUR expense.)

laughing AT you.

free dixie,sw

1,150 posted on 07/05/2009 8:11:35 AM PDT by stand watie (Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, LET MY PEOPLE GO.)
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