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The Sum of His Parts
Welcome to the Patriot's Creed ^ | June 7, 2009 | Rich Carroll

Posted on 06/07/2009 7:37:21 PM PDT by patriot08

The Sum of His Parts

by Rich Carroll

Finally, the President is out of his Muslim closet. Squeamish liberal reporters whispering around the office water cooler can breathe a sigh. Barack Hussein Obama has “outed” himself.

Fully aware he could not climb any political ladder if he stuck to his first faith, Islam, or his complete name, or publicly recognize his 20 year white hater pastor, or Muslim and Communist friends and mentors, the liar-in-chief smiled and deflected his way into the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, deceit, and posing as an imposter president and Commander in Chief.

The “middle” moniker that no one dared to speak and petrified left-wing media as a cross terrifies Dracula, is now front and center of Obama’s groveling to the Muslim world. BHO (for short) test-fired his full name in Strasbourg, then days later in Ankara. As one of his security advisors stated “we are embracing the President’s inner Muslim.”

Was there ever any doubt? The media can spin this one a thousand different ways, but Obama deceitfully hid his Muslim background, schooling and his agenda. America did not vote for a Muslim President; which is what this is. Statements like “America is not a Christian nation,” “America is one of the largest Muslim nations on Earth,” and “Islam played a prominent role in America’s past.” “Islam has always been a part of America’s history” are bold-face lies Obama can expect his glassy-eyed followers to believe. Be assured General George Patton didn’t confer with his mullah at The Battle of the Bulge, Harry Truman didn’t read the Koran before dropping 2 atomic bombs on Japan, and John Adams did not counsel with Hamas before the Philadelphia Convention.

The honeymoon is over, and the lies keep getting bigger; as does the evidence. Obama told the world last week from Cairo, Egypt, that “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition.” The historical truth is non Muslims were persecuted by the Muslims in Andalusia for 800 years. Obama also stated “The United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government.” The historical truth is the United States overthrew a wannabe dictator who came to power because his predecessor was assassinated by Islamists.

Speaking before his Muslim brethren, Obama equated Palestinians to U.S. slaves and South African blacks under apartheid. Huh? Neither groups strapped bombs on their children to kill Jews and infidels, but that’s neither here nor there: His lies were to appease the Muslims, and degrade America. Had any other President at any time in history said this, he would have been impeached as a traitor! Obama spoke of the need to grant equality to women, without mentioning the Islamic practice of honor-killings and female genital mutilation. He ignored the fact that in Islam, women are treated like cattle and denied basic human rights. His grandfather didn’t liberate Auschwitz, the Russians did, and the magnetic compass was a Chinese invention, not Islamic. Printing was invented by Guttenberg, not the Muslims. But who dare to question his lies?

Obama’s Egypt speech was significant and extremely important to notify key Muslim leaders and clerics that America is ready to side with the prevalence and depth of Jew-hatred in today‘s contemporary Muslim world which embodies firmly rooted hatred in mainstream, orthodox Islamic teachings and not just in some form of radical Islam. During this speech, Obama’s promise to allow American Muslims to give to their charities; a major source of terrorist funding. This President has already committed $920.3 million of your recession-era tax dollars to support world terrorist organization Hamas.

Liberal “progressives” have a new mission now; acknowledging that Islam is not merely a faith but a political project too. There is an “Organization of Islamic Conference,” which according to Obama, we are now large enough to be a member. “The Muslim World” will roll-off the tongues of the party who chokes on any reference to “The Christian World.” The “progressives,” …the socialists, are now ready to tackle the job of converting America into a third-world Islamic cesspool of murder and hatred. Yayy for “globalism” and “multiculturalism.”

And so it has begun. Members of ACORN, (the Obama army with roots to the SDS and communism), many of whom are angry black Muslims, will be used to help America transition into sharia and Islam. The Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan thugs will assist in Obama’s grand plan to “side with the Muslims.” Americans can anticipate and expect the flood-gates of Middle Eastern Muslims into the United States to increase dramatically; the influx which will drain our already diminished resources and speed our sovereign nation into economic collapse. At that point, Muslims will be in a stronger position to dictate the “change.”

Wake up America before we enter a nightmare from which we will never awake.

Author can be reached at:

TOPICS: Conspiracy
KEYWORDS: islam; obama

1 posted on 06/07/2009 7:37:21 PM PDT by patriot08
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To: patriot08

“NPR axes Christian radio programs - (Silencing Christians)”

2 posted on 06/07/2009 7:39:25 PM PDT by combat_boots ("(We) must ...resist... those who would subjugate others to serve (my) interests." 0bama 6/5/2009)
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To: All

Please view this short video by Rich Carroll:

3 posted on 06/07/2009 7:40:13 PM PDT by patriot08
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To: patriot08

Link to referenced YouTube, “Jihad Candidate”:


4 posted on 06/07/2009 7:42:39 PM PDT by combat_boots ("(We) must ...resist... those who would subjugate others to serve (my) interests." 0bama 6/5/2009)
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To: patriot08
He's not even an American Citizen!!

Throw the bumma in the brig!!!

5 posted on 06/07/2009 8:05:25 PM PDT by rawcatslyentist (<P><a href=""> Thank You Satan 1:50</a>)
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To: patriot08

What is it that keeps our elected officials in DC, the commanders of our military, right down to those individuals who supposedly protect the common people, from upholding their oath of office? Isn’t it their foremost duty to preserve this nation and our Constitution? Could it be that they put their commitment and devotion to their jobs above the country, or do they think they will somehow remain immune from the loss of freedom and liberty currently being foisted upon this nation? What about their families, their children and grandchildren, do they put their futures aside to demonstrate loyalty to their current positions and superiors? Parable for the USA 2009: The frog in the pot of water being heated on top of the stove felt safe so it did not jump out.

6 posted on 06/07/2009 10:18:25 PM PDT by drypowder
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