anyone else would be charged already.
that just sucks
That doesn't matter.. if the sunlight is hitting the car directly, it will quickly turn into an oven of sorts.
Stupid. Leave your dog at home...especially when taxpayers are paying for it’s upkeep and training.
Sad. Dogs don’t cool as efficiently as people do. I’m surprised they didn’t know that tho.
that being said, what's with you and dogs?
Fine looking breed.
After reading the article, I suppose it is possible the dog died of something other than overheating (altho that is still my bet).
I had a dog overheat once playing ball on a not terribly hot spring day. She was one of those retrievers who would not quit and my son didn’t realize she would not stop when she got too hot. She collapsed and he called my husband (I was at work) who said to hose her down until he got there. She was ok after awhile, but it was scary. BTW she’s still alive and still crazy to retrieve.
It is evil to send human being to prison over a dog.
If it was an equipped K9 car, it should have had an automatic cooling unit built in.
If not, then that’s just dumb (and criminal).
Poor dog.
Time for an eye for an eye. Let the officer sit a closed car for a while.
This is sad and I don’t understand how it happened. I work around dog handlers and they carry portable kennels that can easily be set up in the shade and their vehicles have cages that allow the doors and windows to be open while dog remains caged. I have to wonder why the dog was kept in the officer’s POV.
It may turn out to be a coincidence and being in the vehicle/getting overheated had nothing to do with the dog’s death. That may be jumping to a conclusion that is not there. I have had people bitch me out when I leave my dog in a vehicle in the winter- and I am very careful not to do so if there is any chance it will be too hot or too cold. Some now think it is cruelty to ever leave a dog in a vehicle. I think it takes common sense and my dog enjoys going to town with me so I take her when I can. The fact is I don’t take her often because if the weather is not right for it, I leave her at home. I have to say I would never leave an animal in a vehicle for hours no matter what the weather is like. My limit is minutes- never hours.
The SUV did it.