I grow potatoes in 5 Gallon buckets, but I confess, I do so more for the foliage. Potatoes spilling out of a bucket is a marvelous backdrop for my perennial beds. different textures make the Achille, coreopsis, roses, salvia and joe pyweed “pop out” And then of course in Sept, I dump the buckets and have no dig potatoes. The potatoes are started in 3” of soil in the bucket, as the plant grows every 3” I cover it up with compost until the bucket can't hold any more. I've got pot. plants that are a good 18” out of the buckets now.
I'm a lazy fat boy .. I don't dig potatoes, but oh my ... the taste of fresh new potatoes. Incredible.
I hope global warming takes hold ... I'm tired of covering plants this late in the season. May 11th is our frost free date.
Good luck with your gardening this weekend.
Those 5 gallon buckets for potatoes sounds good. They would be perfect for me. Can I use any type of potato or do I need to use a seed potato? I sure do like new red potatoes!
Thanks for the info-what an awesome way to grow taters. I’m
going to try my hand at sweet taters this year.
My biggest problem with tomatoes is blight. It seems that living in Nashville, TN it comes with the territory. I have had people tell me that if you are going to grow tomatoes in tennessee then you have to continually spray with daconil. Ugh.
I’ve had the most luck growing the heirloom “mortgage lifter”. Not a pretty plant but boy it can produce!
Thanks for the tater growing idea.
Try that method with stacks of old tires.