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Posted on 04/17/2009 5:53:19 PM PDT by kanawa
As y'all know there is a Freepathon going on
and I thought it might be a fun idea to raise some contributions in Chet's name.
Kinda like making lemonade out of lemons.
As you might be aware, our buddy Chet like to post pitbull stories.
I'm suggesting to those who want to join in
that over the next week we set aside a certain amount of money each day to be donated to FR.
There can be 2 donation levels, one of $5/day and one of $10/day.
From those base levels we will subtract $1/day for each pitbull article that Chet post.
The folks at the $5/day level, if Chet remains consistent are likely to pay nothing.
For example Chet has posted SIX pitbull articles today,
Folks at the $5/day pledge level would donate nothing for today.
Folks at the $10/day pledge level would be on the hook today for $4
(course the day isn't over yet and Chet might post 4 more articles before midnight)
We'll start tomorrow and tally up the totals next Saturday,
post our results on the Freepathon thread and make our Chet Challenge donations.
It could also be the time when we make any additional donations in the name of all us dog lovers here on FR
FreeRepublic has for years given all Freepers
a place to become informed about current events
and to discuss issues from the perspective of conservative principles,
but also, for us dog owners, it has been a place to share our love and knowledge of dogs with each other.
I know times are tough for some and if you can't afford to donate there is no shame.
For those if us that can afford a few dollars the Freepathon is an excellent opportunity
to say thanks to all the folks behind the scenes, from JR, Amy and John to the dedicate mods
tasked to tirelessly herd us cats and keep some semblance of order.
In that spirit let me begin by making my pledge of $10/day
I will donate again if chet99 stops posting pitbull stories.
I already donated, but I think this is a funny idea; although I would hate to deny FR because of Chet’s silliness.
Wow, that’s a big pile of Chet!
Please show me where Chet has posted a Lie,,,
Every one of his threads has a link to a true news story,,,
You don’t like the news ?
Or you don’t like the Truth ?
Yeah, I had that in mind when I added the last sentence to the article post.
One could say the same about the MSM’s focus on only the bad news coming out of Iraq. Yes, they’re true — but collectively they represent a falsehood, when there’s so much good news they refuse to mention.
Please show me where I accused Chet of posting a lie.
Although I did notice he appears not to have asked the mods
to amend the title of one of his articles
when research showed one of the dogs involved was not a pitbull.
But I'm not here to quibble about that.
We're trying to raise some donations for FR and have some fun doing it.
Join in if you like.
How great!!!
I could post a bunch of articles on toe nail fungus and those would all be real, but not “newsworthy” to the vast majority of FReepers. I am merely suggesting one use prudence in posting.
Dogs are not all bad, including pit bulls. There are a lot of dog lovers on this board.
When people post similar consistent threads on Free Republic, it is usually from a position that no one can be “for” the other side. For instance, female teachers molesting students, historical finds (SunkenCiv), people defending themselves (DaveLoneRanger), etc. Chet insists upon annoying people while others here are respectful.
Introducing the newest member of the Responsible Dog Ownership ping list, CaribouCrossing.
Welcome aboard CC
We’re 62 strong now and growing steadily
Anyone wishing on or off the RDO list send me a note.
I don’t like a crusade against ALL dogs of a specific breed.
Timothy McVeigh was both a conservative and a Veteran — that doesn’t make all conservatives and Veterans mass-murdering wack jobs.
Dogs are owned property, just like CARS and GUNS are, and we conservatives don’t want Libs taking away our cars and guns just because both cars and guns are involved in many times more injuries and deaths than Pit Bulls will ever be.
The owned dog, and therefore the breed, is no more responsible for the injuries and deaths than the owned car or gun. It is the OWNER who bears the responsibility, in all cases. And in all cases, even a responsible owner can have accidents...
The brakes can go out on a car, causing the driver to sail into an intersection and kill a pedestrian. A child can get into a gun cabinet, even a locked one, and kill himself or another child (I knew where my parents kept the key). And a meter reader can leave a gate unlocked, allowing a dog to escape to cause havoc in the neighborhood. So accidents happen to even responsible owners. We call those tragedies.
But in the overwhelming majority of pit bull and non-pit bite cases, the root cause is a bad owner, and in most cases, there were plenty of signs that the dog had bad temperament prior to the news-making attack.
Breeders need to stop breeding dogs with bad temperament - of any breed. And bad owners need to be held responsible for damages caused by their property. Unfortunately, it is often one and the same - a bad owner with a bad dog who breeds it intentionally to get an even more bad-ass dog. Thus, some LINES of some breeds, especially pit bulls, are ruined and should never be bred.
But if you take away pit bulls, these same bad-ass people will fill their blood-lust with another breed... German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Pressa Canario, etc. It isn’t the breed, it is the owner.
(But yes, there are absolutely cases where an individual dog should be put down. I am not a bleeding heart saying every dog should be saved.)
So count me in for the $5 pledge. Except mine is good for all pit bull posts, not just Chet’s, because Counter-Morter will just do the posting for Chet.
HUH!?!?! It Is But It Ain't???!!
What “good news”???
That 2-3% commit 65-67% of Maulings and K-9 Homicides???!
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