Adam, for the fifth or sixth week in a row, has the pimp spot. His song choice is Aerosmith's "Cryin".
He sings it "straight", but he can't help but throw in a head-splitting scream here and there. This one is over-emotional too.
Randy: You're one of the best we've ever had on this stage. I loved this even more than "One" for you.
Kara: How can you hit those notes and still talk to us. Who hits those notes. See you at the finals.
Paula: You set the bar so far in the sky. We'll be seeing you next week and many years after that.
Simon: I'm not going to suck up as much as the other three. I don't want every one to assume you're going to be here next week. (sounds a bit worried)
Going by tonight's peformances, a Danny vs. Kris finale is very possible. Adam admits this during his post-song chat with Seacrest.
TIVO Warning: The show runs over by about 5 minutes tonight.
VFTW chose Danny.
Here’s hoping for Kris v Danny finale!!
That last shriekfest gave me a rip-roarin’ headache. For the love of everything decent, can this “man” even sing a song without shrieking like he’s in an 80s hair band??